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Copy of Hannan Street showing buildings and people. 1895
Mayor Ben Leslie at Peace Celebrations Hannan Street, large crowd in front of Lee's Chambers, White's Shoe Store and other buildings.
View of Kalgoorlie from Hannan's Railway Station, showing Public Baths, Outridge Terrace, Victoria Park, Maritana Bridge.
View across Hannan Street from public buildings.
Australia Dental Co and Victoria Hotel in foreground, School of Mines in middle ground and Golden Mile headframes in far ground.
Mechanics Institute & Jack Hehir's No 2 store, Hannan St., 2 storey buildings with front verandahs - Les Ellis Hairdresser, A Macrow and Sons, GM Tea and Grill Rooms, Central Garage, Dry Cleaner, Garage,
4 cars, people in distance.
Montgomery Bros. shop, Hannan St.,single story, recessed entrance,
Maritana St. looking to Hannan St., McKenzie Building, Palace Hotel in background,
Tram, cars, horse and cart, bicycle, a few people crossing street.
Maritana St. looking to Hannan St., McKenzie Building, includes J Bailey Grocery and Hardware, Chas Massey, Hairdresser and tabaconist.
cars, a few people crossing street or standing talking.
Wooden slatt mini-bridge over gutter.
Regent Theatre corner Hannan/Wison Sts. Building contractor AJ Wildy. Photos of films on display in window.
Inside of Fernie's Store, Hannan St.