Kalgurli Gold Mine staff dinner. Apparently taken in the office - Note Safe under Flag at right, Electric Fan and Lights. Large group of men seated at dinner table, Frederick George Brinsden is 5th man standing on right under light.
Group Portrait of Womens Christian Temperance Union Group. Mrs Annie Throssell presents banner to local W.C.T Group. Lady 2nd row from back far left: Sister Mildred Fairclough, 'Sister of the People' pioneer nussing sister 1896 trained in Adelaide. Lady in centre in dark dress: Mrs Annie Throssell wife of George Throosell MLA & Comm of lands and who was sympathetic to womens causes. Lady to right of Mrs Throssell Mrs R Hamilton wife of Richard Hamilton manager of Great Boulder Mine. L:ady seated in middle front row: Mrs Olive Carter
Interior of Kalaf's shop with footballPremiers Cup on counter donated by George Calaf. Large CAYTON scales on counter, "Bushells Tea' ad. on display with various other products in tins and jars.