Deacon and Lord Forrest at Mt. Charlotte Reservoir.Five men are standing watching water pumping into tank from fenced-off walkway round top of reservoir.
Exterior of house, 1 story, verandahs around, corrugated iron roof, brick chimney, garden fenced, tidy dirt footpath, tarred street with cement gutter, tree in footpath, other homes next door.
Mutooroo, early bush scene showing evidence of clearing of natural vegetation, horse and dray, fenced enclosure containing water tanks, two small corrugated iron sheds and a headframe and mine in the distance.
Garden in immaculate condition at rear of house, bed of grape vines growing on trellis down centre, garden fenced off from house where water tank is visible by wall, overhead power line has an electric light bulb overhead, wood stack and old house next door is visible. Mrs. Ashmore Thomas.
Horses (3) and men (3). Jockey seated on spider with horse in full harness; jockey seated on horse; man holding horse in fenced yard. Houses in background. Noland.
"Puddling - Coolgardie" Two men staning ar puddling site - timbered. Stacks of cut timber standing in fenced 'open shed' in background, stick and leaf shade house, all in sparce bushland.