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Golden Horseshoe No 1, Lancashire boilers
Installation of Boilers with large Traction Engine for Kalgoorlie Brewery, Cummins, Wesley - St. Paul's Church also visible.
Showing installation of Boilers at Kalgoorlie Brewery in Porter Street with Steam Traction Engine Cummins.
Installation of Boilers with Traction Engine at Kalgoorlie Brewery, Wesley Church in background, Porter Street.
Six Lancashire boilers, Golden Horseshoe Gold Mine, Mr Manners. EGHS neg 105 TSGM plate 9.3.14 date 1905 - check location may be Lake View Consuls.
Golden Horseshoe Gold Mine Boilers.
Ivanhoe South extended mine boilers with group of men next to boilers.
Scrap metal at Kalgoorlie Foundry including wheels, cogs, boilers, associated foundry buildings (hhouse) in background.
(see others in this number series)