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Riding his bicycle in St Barbara Square is 13 year old Aaron Holmwood. Several pedestrians can be seen in the background.
Raising funds for the School of the Air at Coles Arcade with items made on outlying stations.Left to right are Carol Lutherborrow, Ernie Robinson, Barbara Brown and Debbie Bradley.
40 Hour Famine. Dressed up at St Barbara Square are Helen Zittersteijn,Ben Kennedy and ColleenMurray. See also KM00132.
Watching dancing in St Barbara Square are a group of Children.
Brent Waddel of Coolgardie Primary School and his dog Kift at St Barbara's Square.
Kalgoorlie College Choir directed by Matt Stableton at St Barbara Square.
Menzies Shire Clerk Pat Rogers and wife Brenda at St Barbara's Square selling tickets to raise funds for a T.V. dish.
Free Pizzas at St Barbara Square.
Mick McCartney with his copper and brass artwork at St Barbara Square.