PHOTOGRAPHS X 20, Black & White


20 Photographs from "The Cruise of H.M.S. Bacchante, 1879-1882. Volume III". a. Albany, The Jetty, c1881. b. View of Albany and Jetty, c1881 c. Albany, from Jetty, c1881. d. Albany from Jetty c1881 e. & f. Court House, Upper Road, Albany, c1881. g & h Albany Parish Church & Parsonage, c1881. g. also shows the Rev. J. Wardell Johnstone i. Sandalwood ships at jetty, Albany c1881. j. York Street, Albany, King George's Sound, c1881. k. Kendernup (Mr Hassell's home) 40 miles from Albany c1881. l. Lilles, W.A. c1881. m. Dog Rock c1881 n. Trees c1881. o. Rock, c1881. p. View of Jetty, Albany c1881 with horse and cart in foreground. q. View of Jetty, Albany, c 1881. r. & s. View looking out to sea, c1881. r. has gentlemen in shirtsleeves in foreground and Residency building in middleground - fairly close. s. Has Residency in middleground - distant. t. View of Albany town and sea, c1881.


History Department


History Collection

Collection Item Data

Accession Number: CH1979.222
Accession Date: 8 Jun 1979









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Western Australian Museum Collections
Accessed 15 Aug 2024

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