Phrynichus deflersi Simon, 1887


Phrynichus deflersi Simon, 1887b: 454 (as Phryniscus [sic] deflersi); Simon, 1890a: 122; Simon, 1897: 96 (as Phryniscus [sic] deflersi); Gravely, 1915b: 455; Mello-Leitão, 1931: 36 (as Phrynicus [sic] deflersi); Werner, 1935a: 472; Weygoldt, 1998c: 6-9, figs 3-11, 34; Weygoldt, 2000a: fig. 292; Weygoldt, 2000b: 343, 346; Harvey, 2003c: 16.

Tarantula reniformis (Linnaeus): Kraepelin, 1895: 10 (in part); Lönnberg, 1898: 88-89 (in part).

Phrynichus reniformis (Linnaeus): Kraepelin, 1899a: 237 (in part).

Phrynichus reniformis deflersi Simon: Kraepelin, 1901b: 264.

Myodalis deflersi (Simon): Simon, in Fage and Simon, 1936: 298, figs 2f-i.

Myodalis jayakari (Pocock): Whittick, 1941: 45-48, figs 1-7 (misidentification, in part, see Phrynichus gaucheri Weygoldt and Phrynichus jayakari Pocock); Fage, 1954: 180, fig. 1 (misidentification, in part); Lawrence, 1969b: 86 (misidentification, in part).

Myodalis scabra deflersi (Simon): Fage, 1954: 180.

Phrynichus scaber deflersi (Simon): Delle Cave and Simonetta, 1975: 160-161.

Phrynichus jayakari (Pocock): Delle Cave and Simonetta, 1975: 143-150, figs 1-2 (in part).

Type Locality

Obock, Obock, Djibouti.
Aden, 'Adana, Yemen.


Saudi Arabia

Weygoldt (1998c: 6-7) designated a female lectotype from Masssawa, Eritrea from a jar containing several specimens collected in 1896 and identified by Simon in 1897, and noted that the original specimens from Obock and Aden "are obviously lost". Therefore, the specimen selected as a lectotype cannot be regarded as one of the original type specimens and I here disregard the lectotype designation and the restriction of the type locality.

Phrynichus deflersi Simon, 1887



Coordinates based upon: Obock; Aden