Typopeltis stimpsonii (Wood, 1862)


Thelyphonus stimpsonii Wood, 1862: 312; Cokendolpher and Peek, 1991: 94.

Thelyphonus (?) stimpsonii Wood: Tarnani, 1890a: 537.

Typopeltis stimpsonii (Wood): Pocock, 1894a: 126-128, figs 3, 3a; Bernard, 1894d: fig. 2; Kraepelin, 1897a: 15, fig. 18; Kraepelin, 1899a: 209-210 (as Typopeltis stimpsoni); Pocock, 1900a: 296-297, figs 2, 2a; Kraepelin, 1901b: 263 (as Typopeltis stimpsoni); Iwakawa, 1908: 287-290, plate XI, figs 1-4 (as Typopeltis stimpsoni); Kraepelin, 1908c: 205, 206, 208, fig. 38 (as Typopeltis stimpsoni); Scheuring, 1913: 590, fig. L (as Typopeltis stimpsoni); Gravely, 1916: 71, plate 1 fig. 13 (as Typopeltis stimpsoni); Kishida, 1927: 954, fig. 1843 (as Typopeltis stimpsoni); Mello-Leitão, 1931: 25 (as Typopeltis stimpsoni); Kästner, 1932: fig. 49; Werner, 1935a: 467, figs 91, 95 (as Typopeltis stimpsoni); Speijer, 1936b: 252 (as Typopeltis stimpsoni); Wu, 1936: 124-127, fig. 5 (as Typopeltis stimpsoni); Takashima, 1941a: 273-276, fig. 1; Takashima, 1943: 13-20; Takashima, 1947: 40-43; Takashima, 1948b: 95-99, figs 1-2; Takashima, 1955: 178-190, figs 7-9; Yoshikura, 1958: 1-6, figs 1-2; Takashima, 1960: 26, plate 13 fig. 8; Yoshikura, 1961: 19-23, figs 1-8; Kaestner, 1968: 118 (as Typopeltis stimpsoni); Legendre, 1968: 34-35, figs 25-26; Shimojana, 1972: 103, figs 6-7; Aoki, 1973: 196, fig. 70; Rowland and Cooke, 1973: 69 (as Typopeltis stimpsoni); %Shimojana, 1974: 136, 138-139, figs d, e (not seen) (as Typopeltis stimpsoni); Shimojana, 1991a: 47, fig. 144; Canard and Stockmann, 1993: fig. 4; Haupt and Song, 1996: 50, figs 2b, 4b, 5b; Schmidt, Dani, Jones and Morgan, 2000: 449 (as Typopeltis stimpsoni); Harvey, 2003c: 78.

Not Thelyphonus stimpsonii Wood: Butler, 1872: 204-205 (misidentification; see Typopeltis niger (Tarnani)).

Type Locality




Latitude: 36°N

Longitude: 139°E

Coordinates based upon: Japan (IMPRECISE)