Typopeltis crucifer Pocock, 1894


Typopeltis crucifer Pocock, 1894a: 128-129, figs 4, 4a; Kraepelin, 1897a: 15, fig. 19; Kraepelin, 1899a: 209, fig. 69; Arldt, 1908: 441; Werner, 1935a: 467; Lawrence, 1969c: 125, 130; Shimojana, 1972: 103, figs 6-7; Shimojana, 1972: 12; Rowland and Cooke, 1973: 69; Yogi and Haupt, 1977: 53-55, fig. 1; Weygoldt, 1978: 151-153, figs 4a-e, 5a-d; Itokawa, Kano, Kaneko, Nakajima, Yasuhara and Yonabaru, 1981: 67-70, figs 1-4; Haupt, 1988: fig. 2; Weygoldt, 1990: fig. 2D; Shimojana, 1991a: 47, figs 143, 144; Humphreys, 1995: 178; Haupt and Song, 1996: 46-48, figs 2c, 3b, 4c, 5c; Haupt, 1996: 123-135, figs 1-17; Haupt, 1997: 107-109, figs 1a-c, 2; Haupt, 2000: figs 1-2; Schmidt, Dani, Jones and Morgan, 2000: 449; Harvey, 2003c: 77; Haupt, 2009a: fig. 11; Haupt, 2009c: figs 1, 2.

Typopeltis formosanus Kraepelin, 1897a: 14-15, figs 13, 15, 16 (synonymised by Schwangart, 1906: 331).

Typopeltis crucifer crucifer Pocock: Schwangart, 1906: 332-336, figs 1a-b, 2a-b.

Typopeltis crucifer kochi Schwangart, 1906: 336-337, fig. 3 (synonymised by Haupt and Song, 1996: 48).

Thelyphonus crucifer (Pocock): Proctor, 1998: 160 (erroneous transfer to Thelyphonus).

Type Locality

Typopeltis crucifer: unknown.

Typoletis formosanus: Taiwan (as Formosa).

Typopeltis crucifer kochi: Taiwan (as Formosa).



Not Thailand as erroneously quoted by some authors, see Haupt and Song (1996: 48).



Coordinates based upon: UNKNOWN