Zeria boehmi (Kraepelin, 1899)


Solpuga boehmi Kraepelin, 1899b: 217, figs 5a-b; Kraepelin, 1901a: 77, figs 50-51; Kraepelin, 1913: 191; Birula, 1926: 179; Zilch, 1946: 136; Roewer, 1950: 54; Moritz and Fischer, 1980: 140.

Solpugarda boehmi (Kraepelin): Roewer, 1933: 435, figs 215, 289c, c<1-2>; Roewer, 1941: 148; Benoit, 1960: 280.

Zeria boehmi (Kraepelin): Harvey, 2002a: 454; Harvey, 2003c: 318.

Type Locality

Lake Tanganyika (as "Tanganyka See").


Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire)

Latitude: 6°S

Longitude: 30°E

Coordinates based upon: Lake Tanganyika (IMPRECISE)