Galeodes caspius Birula, 1890


Galeodes caspius Birula, 1890a: 205; Birula, 1890b: 68-69, figs 5-8; Bernard, 1896: plate XXVII fig. 4; Schmidt, 1896: 30; Kraepelin, 1899c: 376; Heymons, 1902: 7-9; Kraepelin, 1901a: 16; Birula, 1905b: 259; Birula, 1906a: 46-47, fig. 3; Zykoff, 1911: 543-544, unnumbered fig.; Pavlovsky, 1916: 53, 54, 55; Birula, 1925: figs 3c, 5c; Giltay, 1926: 27-32, figs 1-3; Kästner, 1932d: figs 7-8; Pavlovsky, 1932: 289-290, figs 5, 13; Roewer, 1932: fig. 19; Kästner, 1933-1935: figs 278, 284, 286-293, 302-303, 306, 308, 317, 327-328, 330, 332-337, 339-340, 356-357; Roewer, 1933: figs 205-206; Kästner, 1952b: 8-19, figs 6, 14; Birula, 1938: 126-128, figs 74c, 79; Vinogradov, 1948: 294; Cloudsley-Thompson, 1968: 118, 119; Kaestner, 1968: 218, 221; Cloudsley-Thompson, 1977: 67; Aliev and Gadzhiev, 1983a: 45; Kuznetsov, 1985: 71; Gromov and Kopdykbaev, 1994: 22; Gromov, 1996: 103; Gromov, 1998a: 186, fig. 2; Gromov, 1998b: 57-59; Coddington and Colwell, 2001: 213; Harvey, 2003c: 260.

Galeodes lehmanni Birula, 1890a: 205-206; Kraepelin, 1901a: 17 (synonymised by Birula, 1938: 126).

Galeodes caspius var. lehmanni Birula: Birula, 1890b: 69-70.

Galeodes caspius lehmanni Birula: Heymons, 1902: 9-10; Pavlovsky, 1932: 290.

Galeodes sp. aff. caspius Birula: Birula, 1905b: 260.

Galeodellus caspius (Birula): Roewer, 1933: fig. 219; Roewer, 1934: 542-543, figs 356a-b, 357, 359, 361; Roewer, 1941: 170; Zilch, 1946: 140; Kästner, 1952a: figs 4, 8-9.

Galeodellus lehmanni (Birula): Roewer, 1934: 543-544; Zilch, 1946: 141; Levy and Shulov, 1964: 111.

Type Locality

Galeodes caspius: Turkmenistan.

Galeodes lehmanni: Krasnovodsk (as Krasnowodsk), Balkan, Turkmenistan.
Fort Shevchenko, Mangistau, Kazakhstan.



Latitude: 39°N

Longitude: 59°E

Coordinates based upon: Turkmenistan (IMPRECISE)