Eremorhax pulcher Muma, 1963


Eremorhax pulcher Muma, 1963: 2-3, figs 1-3; Muma, 1966c: 207; Muma, 1966d: 255-256; Muma, 1970a: 6; Muma, 1974a: 8; Muma, 1976: 14; Polis and McCormick, 1986: 112; Harvey, 2002a: 451; Harvey, 2003c: 248; Brookhart and Brookhart, 2006: 303.

Arenotherus pulcher (Muma): Brookhart and Muma, 1987: 7-8, figs 39-43; Muma and Muma, 1988: 10.

Type Locality

11 miles N. of Mercury, Nye County, Nevada, U.S.A.


United States

Latitude: 36°49'N

Longitude: 115°58'W

Coordinates based upon: 11 miles N. of Mercury