Namibesia pallida Lawrence, 1962


Namibesia pallida Lawrence, 1962a: 217-218, figs 1c-e; Lawrence, 1963: 18, 24; Wharton, 1981: 38, figs 14, 35; Maury, 1985b: 2, figs 1-2; Griffin, 1990: 78-81; Punzo, 1998g: fig. 4-8e; Harvey, 2003c: 235.

Namibesia purpurea Lawrence, 1962a: 218, figs 2a-b; Lawrence, 1963: 18, 24 (synonymised by Wharton, 1981: 38).

Type Locality

Namibesia pallida: Gobabeb flats, E. of the Kuiseb River, Swakopmund, Namibia.

Namibesia purpurea: Farm Djab, Kuiseb River Valley, Swakopmund, Namibia.



Latitude: 23°34'S

Longitude: 15°02'E

Coordinates based upon: Gobabeb