Cryptocellus glenoides Cooke and Shadab, 1973


Cryptocellus glenoides Cooke and Shadab, 1973b: 12-15, figs 4, 20, 27-28, 31, 37 (in part; see Cryptocellus isthmius Cooke and Shadab); Platnick and Shadab, 1976: 7-8, figs 17, 58; Platnick and Paz, 1979: figs 1-2; Platnick, 2002: 385; Harvey, 2003c: 178; Botero-Trujillo and Pérez, 2008: 471; Botero-Trujillo and Pérez, 2009: fig. 1.

Pseudocellus glenoides (Cooke and Shadab): Vázquez Rojas, 1995: 28; Vázquez Rojas, 1996f: 81.

Type Locality

5 km W. of La Delfina, Valle del Cauca, Colombia.



Cryptocellus glenoides Cooke and Shadab, 1973

Latitude: 3°50'N

Longitude: 76°48'W

Coordinates based upon: 5 km W. of La Delfina