Lawrencega hewitti (Lawrence, 1929)


Melanoblossia ? hewitti Lawrence, 1929: 176-178, figs 18a-b.

Melanoblossia hewitti Lawrence: Roewer, 1932: fig. 135a.

Lawrencega hewitti (Lawrence): Roewer, 1933: 342; Lawrence, 1935a: 88; Lawrence, 1955: 174; Wharton, 1981: 55, figs 56, 60; Harvey, 2003c: 288; Dippenaar-Schoeman, González Reyes and Harvey, 2006: 80.

Type Locality

Henkries, near the Orange River, Northern Cape, South Africa.


South Africa

Latitude: 28°54'S

Longitude: 18°09'E

Coordinates based upon: Henkries