Tridenchthonius Balzan, 1887


Distribution Count
Argentina 1
Brazil 2
Ivory Coast 1
Costa Rica 1
Cuba 1
Ecuador 1
Ghana 1
Guinea 1
Jamaica 2
Kenya 1
Mexico 2
Nigeria 1
Peru 1
Paraguay 2
Suriname 1
Sao Tome and Principe 1
Trinidad and Tobago 3
Tanzania 1
Venezuela 1

Type species

of Tridenchthonius: Tridenchthonius parvulus Balzan, 1887a, by monotypy.

of Afroditha: Chthonius serrulatus Silvestri, 1918, by original designation (based upon misidentified type species).


Tridenchthonius Balzan, 1887a: no pagination; Balzan, 1890: 450; Balzan, 1892: 505, 509; Chamberlin, 1925b: 334; Beier, 1932a: 34; Chamberlin and R.V. Chamberlin, 1945: 44-46; Hoff, 1963c: 28; Harvey, 1991a: 225.

Afroditha Beier, 1930i: 47-48 (synonymised with Ditha by Beier, 1932a: 25; synonymised with Tridenchthonius by Chamberlin and R.V. Chamberlin, 1945: 44).