Feaellidae Ellingsen, 1906


Feaella sp. from Western Australia  (Image: K. Edward)

The family was proposed by Ellingsen (1906) when he named the genus Feaella from western Africa. Chamberlin (1923) added the subfamily Pseudogarypinae, then represented by the genus Pseudogarypus, but this group was placed in its own family by Chamberlin (1931) and all subsequent reseachers.


The family comprises a single genus, Feaella Ellingsen, which is divided into several subgenera.


Feaellids occur in Africa, the Indian region and north-western Australia, and are usually found in leaf litter, soil, or under rocks.

Distribution Count
Australia 1
Bangladesh 1
Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire) 1
Congo 1
Ivory Coast 1
Guinea-Bissau 1
India 1
Kenya 3
Sri Lanka 1
Seychelles 1
Swaziland 1
South Africa 6
Zimbabwe 2

Important References

Heurtault-Rossi, J. and Jézéquel, J.F. (1965). Observations sur Feaella mirabilis Ell. (Arachnide, Pseudoscorpion). Les chélicères et les pattes-mâchoires des nymphes et des adultes. Description de l'appareil reproducteur. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (2) 37: 450-461.


Feaellidae Ellingsen, 1906: 259-260; Chamberlin, 1923a: 147-148; Chamberlin, 1931a: 232-233; Beier, 1932a: 240-241; Beier, 1932g: 185; Roewer, 1937: 272; Muchmore, 1982a: 100; Harvey, 1991a: 230; Harvey, 1992c: 1404; Harvey, 1996d: 157.

Feaellinae Ellingsen: Chamberlin, 1923a: 148-149.