Materials Conservation - peer-reviewed publications

Departmental resources | Updated 7 months ago

* - denotes principal author/s.


MacLeod, I.D., (2023), In-situ microenvironmental data improves outcomes for early

Bronze age artefacts, Proceedings of the International Symposium on the conservation of archaeological materials, JIAA Kaman 2019, Ed Alice Paterakis.

MacLeod, I.D., (2023), Shipwreck decay models utilising historic cannon corrosion profiles, Corrosion and Prevention 2023, pp 1-12.

MacLeod, I.D., (2023), Corrosion of rock art in Western Australia: alteration of pigments and weathering of engraved rocks, Corrosion and Prevention 2023, pp 1- 14.

MacLeod I.D and Car, R.J. (2023), Conservation and analysis of textiles recovered from exhumed human remains after more than a century of burial, Bulletin Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Materials, 44, pp 1-15.

MacLeod, I.D., and Näsänen L.M.E. (2023) Evaluation of Chloride Extraction Rates from Copper Compounds under Subcritical Conditions, Studies in Conservation, 68(4), 1-13.

MacLeod, I.D., and Paterakis, A.B., (2023), Integration of laboratory and field measurements on soil and bronze artifacts: facilitating conservation treatment and management of archaeological collections, Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, 62(2), 81-100.

MacLeod, I.* and Richards, V.* (2023). In-situ conservation surveys of wooden archaeological structures as a heritage management tool: the Randell Dry Dock at Mannum, South Australia. Australasian Journal of Maritime Archaeology, Vol. 45, pp. 1-24.


Gregory, D.*, Dawson, T.*, Elkin, D., van Tilburg, H., Underwood, C., Richards, V., Viduka, A., Westley, K., Wright, J., Hollesen, J. (2022). Of time and tide. Climate change and the complexity of its effects on coastal and underwater cultural heritage. Antiquity, Vol. 96 (390), pp. 1396-1411,

MacLeod, I.D., (2022), Conservation of a corroded 18 lb cannon ball from the 1790 wreck of HMS Sirius on Norfolk Island, Proceedings of the Corrosion and Prevention Conference, Australasian Corrosion Association, Newcastle, June 2022.

MacLeod, I.D., (2022) Corrosion and conservation of nickel silver recovered from historic shipwrecks, Metal 2022, Proceedings of International Council of Museums Committee for Conservation, Metals Working Group Conference, Helsinki Sept 2022 pp 71-77.

Richards, V.,* Godfrey, I., Kasi, K. and Cha, M-Y. (2022). The use of poultices to deacidify acid-affected PEG treated timbers from the Shinan ship. In: Proceedings of the 14th ICOM-CC Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Working Group Interim Meeting, Portsmouth, United Kingdom, 20-24 May 2019, The International Council of Museums, Committee for Conservation (ICOM-CC), Working Group on Wet Archaeological Materials, ISBN: 978-2-491997-32-8, https://www.icom-ccpublications- Treated-Timbers-from-the-Shinan-Ship, pp. 234-241.

Surić R., Vrgoč Z., MacLeod I.D. and Memet J-B, (2022), The Baron Gautsch: Croatia's Titanic in Danger, Submerged Heritage 12 37-42.


Carter, M., Jeffery, W., and MacLeod I.D., (2021), World War Two Shipwrecks: A Toxic Legacy? Asia Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage, Conference November 2021.

MacLeod I.D., (2021), Analysis of poultice-based desalination of a nineteenth century brick and stone cathedral after the event; a longitudinal study of surface chloride readings, AICCM Bulletin,42(2), 82-90, DOI:10.1080/10344233.2021.1956124

MacLeod, I.D., (2021), Interpretation of present and past environments on shipwreck sites through in-situ decay measurements, Proceedings of the first International Conference on Conservation of Underwater Heritage, Formentera, Spain, August 2019, P 221-236.

MacLeod, I.D., and W. Fish. (2021). Determining decay mechanisms on engraved rock art sites using pH, chloride ion and redox measurements with an assessment of the impact of cyclones, sea salt and nitrate ions on acidity. In Transcending Boundaries: Integrated Approaches to Conservation. ICOM-CC 19th Triennial Conference Preprints, Beijing, 17–21 May 2021, ed. J. Bridgland. Paris: International Council of Museums, 1-9.

MacLeod, I.D. and A.B. Paterakis, (2021). Bronze corrosion on archaeological sites: Correlation of past and present microenvironments via in situ pH, chloride and redox measurements. In Transcending Boundaries: Integrated Approaches to Conservation. ICOM-CC 19th Triennial Conference Preprints, Beijing, 17–21 May 2021, ed. J. Bridgland. Paris: International Council of Museums, 1-8.

Richards, V.* and Godfrey, I. 2021. Conservation history of the Batavia. In: TINA Maritime Archaeology Periodical, vol. 7(13-14), ed. M. Bezdan, Hϋsnϋ Oğuz Aydemir, pp. 86-109.


Abu-Baker, A.N. and MacLeod, I.D., (2020) An Electrochemical Simulation and Treatment Study for the Carbonate and Chloride Based Corrosion of Heritage Silver- Copper alloys, Studies in Conservation¸ 1-21

MacLeod, I.D., (2020), Surf zone corrosion: 200 years of data from the wreck of H.M.S. Sirius, Proceedings of the Corrosion and Prevention Conference, Australasian Corrosion Association, - on line presentation_ 7 October 2020

Richards, V.* and Veth, P. 2020. In-situ preservation of the James Matthews: Past, Present and Future. In: IKUWA6. Shared Heritage: Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress for Underwater Archaeology, 28 November – 2 December 2016, Fremantle, Western Australia, eds J. Rodrigues and A. Traviglia, Archaeopress Publishing Ltd, pp. 449-457.


Albahri, M., Iglauer, S., Lebedev, M, Barifcani, A., MacLeod, I.D., & Machucha. L.L, (2019), X-ray micro-computed tomography analysis of accumulated corrosion products in deep-water shipwrecks, Materials and Corrosion, 1–22,

Davidowitz, T., MacLeod I.D., Creagh D. & Howard, D, (2019), Understanding the Hartogh Plate: A Comprehensive Examination and Treatment of Australia’s First European Object, Metal 2019 Proceedings of the ICOM-CC Metals Conservation Working Group, Switzerland, 108-117.

MacLeod, I.D., (2019), “Corrosion and Conservation Management of the Submarine HMAS AE2 (1915) in the Sea of Marmara, Turkey, Heritage 2, 868-883.

MacLeod, I.D, (2019), Conservation of corroded aluminium alloys corroded under water: from in-situ conservation to exhibitions, Proceedings of Metal 2014: Conservation of aluminium artefacts, Joint AIC and ICOM CC Metals Working Group meeting, Washington, DC, April 6-9, 2014, 39-45.

MacLeod, I.D, (2019), Collecting in-situ data in the field and laboratory: artefact corrosion and conservation, Japanese Institute for Anatolian Archaeology,, pp 1-18

MacLeod I.D., Brennan, J., and Car R J., (2019), “Metal textile composites and improved treatment outcomes through application of in-situ corrosion data”, Metal 2019 Proceedings of the ICOM-CC Metals Conservation Working Group, Switzerland, 386-392.

MacLeod, I.D., and Car, R.J., (2019), Passive removal of silver sulphide layers from metal threads on textiles by storage in an Intercept® bag, Metal 2019 Proceedings of the ICOM-CC Metals Conservation Working Group, Switzerland p 467.

MacLeod I.D. and Car R J., (2019) Analysis & Conservation of Two 17th Century Dutch Ecclesiastical Textiles, New Norcia Studies Journal, 26, 27-40.

MacLeod, I.D., Davidowitz, T., Howard, D., Paterson, D., Thurrowgood D., Hallam, D., and Creagh, D., 2019, Decay induced by manufacture and environment: synchrotron revelations on the Hartog (1616) plate, Corrosion and Prevention 2019, Proceedings of the Australasian Corrosion Association Conference, Melbourne, Nov 2019 paper 59, 1-12

MacLeod, I.D. and Sturman, S., (2019), Metals, in Preventive Conservation: Collection Storage, Ed Lisa Elkin and Christopher A Norris 10-120, New York: Society for the Preservation of Natural History; American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works; Smithsonian Institution; The George Washington University Museum Studies Program, The Smithsonian Institution, pp 870-871.


MacLeod, I.D., (2018), Physical oceanography of the AE1 wreck site, in HMAS AE1: Finding the Men of AE1 -20 December 2017, Annex G, Find the Men of AE1, Australian National Maritime Museum, Sydney, pp. 102-121.

MacLeod I.D., (2018), The contribution of the late Professor Colin Pearson AO, MBE, FTSE, FIIC to conservation research, AICCM Bulletin 39(1), pp 1-8.

MacLeod, I.D., (2018), Sacrificial anodes preserve HMAS AE2 (1915) in the Sea of Marmara, Turkey, Corrosion and Materials 43(3) 38-41.

MacLeod, I.D., (2018), Metals: Preservation and Conservation. In: C. Smith (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, pp. 1-8. New York: Springer.

MacLeod I.D., (2018), “Quantifying the effects of site conditions on the long-term corrosion of bronzes on historic shipwreck sites”, Journal of Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology, 42, 65-74.

MacLeod I.D., and Bloom, W.R., (2018), Corrosion potential study of the Western Australian 1911 Coronation medal, Corrosion and Materials Conference, Adelaide 2018, paper 28, 1-12.

MacLeod, I.D., Moore, G.I., and Gomez, S., (2018), Glycerol impregnation of a formaldehyde fixed sunfish, Records of the Western Australian Museum, 33,171- 180.

Richards, V.* and Carpenter, J. 2018. Conservation Survey and Management Programme – Saipan WWII Underwater Archaeological Wreck Sites. Report prepared for J McKinnon and T. Carrell, Ships of Exploration and Discovery Research Inc. Grant Agreement No. GA-2255-11-018, Materials Conservation Department, Western Australian Museum, Fremantle, pp. 1-150.

Richards, V.*, MacLeod, I., Veth, P. and Philippou, C. 2018. The Australian historic shipwreck preservation project – Mitigation, monitoring and management. In: Proceedings of the 13th ICOM-CC Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, Florence, Italy, 16-20 May 2016, eds E. Williams and E. Hocker, The International Council of Museums, Committee for Conservation (ICOM-CC), Working Group on Wet Archaeological Materials, pp. 13-21.


Black, J., MacLeod I.D., and Smith, B., (2017), Theoretical effects of industrial emissions on colour change at rock art sites on Burrup Peninsula, J Archaeological Science: Reports 12, 457-462.

MacLeod, I.D., (2017), A journey into the heart of the de Vlamingh plate, Journal of the Royal Historical Society of Western Australia, 100, 1-6.

MacLeod, I.D., Selman, A., and Selman C., (2017), Assessing the impact of typhoons on historic iron shipwrecks in Chuuk Lagoon through changes in the corrosion microenvironment, Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites, 19 (4), 269-287.


Cha, M.Y., Godfrey, I.*, Richards, V.*, Kasi, K. and Byrne, L., 2016, Analysis and deacidification of acid-affected PEG treated timbers from the Korean Shinan ship in Proceedings of the 12th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-17 May 2013, eds. T. Grant and C. Cook, The International Council of Museums, Committee for Conservation Working Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials, Canada, pp. 168-178.

MacLeod, I.D., (2016), In-situ corrosion measurements of WWII shipwrecks in Chuuk Lagoon, quantification of decay mechanisms and rates of deterioration, in Frontiers in Marine Science 30 March 2016

MacLeod, I.D., (2016), The composition and properties of “refined” iron: a metallurgical analysis of Gun 8, in A Cromwellian warship wrecked off Duart castle, Mull, Scotland in 1653, C.J.M. Martin, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, pp 147- 150.

MacLeod, I.D., (2016), Corrosion of guns as indicators of site-formation processes, in Chapter 4, Wreck-site formation processes, in A Cromwellian warship wrecked off Duart castle, Mull, Scotland in 1653, C.J.M. Martin, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, pp 71-73.

MacLeod, I.D., (2016), Corrosion of copper alloys on historic shipwrecks and materials performance, Proceedings of Corrosion and Protection Conference, November 13-16, 2016, Auckland, Australasian Corrosion Association, Paper 105, pp. 1-10.

MacLeod, I.D., (2016), “Refining conservation treatments for iron shipwrecks: lessons learned from experiences with the USS Monitor (1862) and the SS Xantho (1872)”, Bulletin Australasian Institute of Maritime Archaeology, 40, 39-50.

MacLeod, I.D. and Car R., (2016), Conservation of a mid-19th century pretiosa mitre from the Benedictine community, New Norcia, Western Australia, AICCM Bulletin, 37(2), pp 96-106.

MacLeod, I.D. and McCarthy, M, (2016), Corrosion on HMAS Sydney II and HSK Kormoran in From Great Depths; the wrecks of HMAS Sydney II and HSK Kormoran, Ed M. McCarthy, WA Museum and UWA Press, pp 304-309.

Richards, V.L. 2016. Preservation of the Batavia shipwreck: Past, present and future. In: Wet Wood Conservation Colloquium – Extended Abstracts, Monastery Bad Schussenreid, May 12th – 14th 2016. G. Eggert and I. Stelzner (eds), Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Stuttgart, pp. 39-43.

Richards, V. 2016. In-Situ preservation – Application of a process based approach to the management of underwater cultural heritage. In Proceedings of the International Symposium Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Shinan Shipwreck Excavation, 26-28 October 2016, Mokpo, South Korea, National Research Institute of Maritime Cultural Heritage, South Korea, pp. 345-360.

Richards, V.*, MacLeod, I. and Veth, P. 2016. The Australian Historic Shipwreck Preservation Project – In-situ preservation and long-term monitoring of the Clarence (1850) and James Matthews (1841) shipwreck sites. Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites, Vol. 18:1-3, pp. 240-253.

Richards, V.*, MacLeod, I. and Veth, P., 2016, The Australian historic shipwreck protection project – In situ preservation of the Clarence (1850) shipwreck site in Proceedings of the 12th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-17 May 2013, eds. T. Grant and C. Cook, The International Council of Museums, Committee for Conservation Working Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials, Canada, pp. 15-20.

Rodrigues, J.A.* and Richards V.L. 2016. Strategies for managing Australia’s private shipwreck collections. In: Managing the Underwater Cultural Heritage. Papers presented at the Fourth International Congress on Underwater Archaeology (IKUWA4), Zadar (Croatia), September 29 – October 2 2011. C. Börker (ed.), Skyllis, Dresden, pp. 54-61.

Veth, P.*, Richards, V.*, Philippou, C.*, Rodrigues, J.*, Staniforth, M.*, Khan, A.*, Viduka, A.*, Zubrzycka, A.*, Harvey, P., Parkinson, J.*, MacLeod, I., Shefi, D., Barham, A., Creagh, D. 2016. Australian Historic Shipwreck Preservation Project. Excavation & Monitoring Programme Report 2012-2015. V. Richards, P. Veth and C. Philippou (eds). The Australian Historic Shipwreck Preservation Project, Perth, pp. 1- 218.


Carpenter, J.* and Richards, V. 2015. SS Dicky. Conservation Inspection Report. Consultancy report prepared for Cosmos Archaeology Pty Ltd. Department of Materials Conservation, Western Australian Museum, Fremantle, pp. 1-22.

MacLeod, I.D., (2015), Change management in materials conservation in Change! Combining analytic approaches with street wisdom, Ed Gabriele Bammer, ANU Press pp. 217-228

MacLeod, I.D., (2015), Conservation of a museum megamouth shark specimen by changing its preservative from aqueous ethanol to aqueous glycerol, Collection Forum, Society for Preservation of Natural History Collections, 29(1-2), 73-89.

MacLeod, I.D., (2015), Conservation reports 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 and 9.4 in : M. Stanbury (ed.), The Mermaid Atoll shipwreck—a mysterious early 19th-century loss, Australian National Centre of Excellence for Maritime Archaeology Special Publication No. 21 Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology Special Publication No. 17 Appendix 9, pp. 271-274.

MacLeod, I.D., (2015), Underwater insights from wrecks of war, Chemistry in Australia, April, pp 18-21.

MacLeod, I.D., (2015), Micrometeorological assessment of passive climate controls for museums, AICCM Bulletin, 37, 33-43.

MacLeod, I.D., (2015), Corrosion products and site formation processes, Chapter 5 in Site Formation Processes on historic shipwrecks, Ed., Matt Keith, Florida University Press, 90-213.

MacLeod, I.D., (2015), The application of chemistry to conserve cultural heritage, Teaching Science, 52-62.

MacLeod, I.D., (2015), Corrosion of Iron Steamships: Longitudinal Studies of the SS Xantho (1872) and the City of Launceston (1865) in Corrosion and Prevention Conference, Australasian Corrosion Association, Adelaide 2015, pp 1-8.

MacLeod, I.D., and Curran, B., (2015), Conservation of waterlogged convict-built wooden roadblocks with PEG 3350 and Luviskol K90, AICCM Bulletin, 37, 56-66.

McKinnon, J.*, Richards, V.* and Carpenter, J., 2015. Fowey Rocks Lighthouse. On- Site Conservation Survey Report. Submitted to the Southeast Archaeological Center (SEAC) in fulfilment of permit BISC-002, pp. 1-31.

Richards, V.* and Carpenter, J. 2015. Chapter 9. On-Site Conservation Surveys. In Underwater Archaeology of a Pacific Battlefield. The WWII Battle of Saipan. J.

McKinnon and T. Carrell (eds). Springer Briefs in Archaeology, New York, pp. 97- 115.

Stanbury, M., Kasi, K. and MacLeod, I.D., (2015), Copper and copper alloy artefacts: contemporary experimentation and modern analyses. In: M. Stanbury (ed.), The Mermaid Atoll shipwreck—a mysterious early 19th-century loss, Australian National Centre of Excellence for Maritime Archaeology Special Publication No. 21 Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology Special Publication No. 17 (Chapter 11) pp. 131-174

Stanbury, M. and MacLeod, I. D., (2015), Corrosion of cast and wrought iron on the Mermaid Atoll site. In: M. Stanbury (ed.), The Mermaid Atoll shipwreck—a mysterious early 19th-century loss, Australian National Centre of Excellence for Maritime Archaeology Special Publication No. 21 Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology Special Publication No. 17 (Chapter 14) pp. 205-210.


MacLeod, I.D., (2014), In-Situ Preservation of Shipwreck Artefacts, in C. Smith (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, pp. 3725-3741. New York: Springer.

MacLeod, I.D., (2014), Metals: Preservation and Conservation. In: C. Smith (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, pp. 4841-4850. New York: Springer.

MacLeod, I.D. & R.J. Car, (2014), Determining treatment priorities for ecclesiastical textiles using significance and conservation assessments, Journal of Cultural Heritage 15, 628-636.

MacLeod I.D. & R.J. Car, (2014), Oxidation of dithionite treatment solutions and the effects of pH on fading textile dyes, AICCM Bulletin, 35, 69-78.

MacLeod, I.D., & Car, R.J., (2014), Conservation of a mid-18th-century Italian embroidered ecclesiastical cope and treatment of corroded metal threads using neutral dithionite solutions, In ICOM-CC 17th Triennial Conference Preprints, Melbourne,15–19 September 2014, ed. J. Bridgland, art. 1306, 7 pp. Paris: International Council of Museums, (ISBN 978-92-9012-410-8)

MacLeod, I.D., & Harvey, P., (2014), The application of significance and conservation assessments to the development of a priority matrix for intervention on historic shipwreck sites, Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites, 16(3) 245-267.

MacLeod, I.D., Jateff, E and Hunter, J W III, (2014), Corrosion on a wrecked colonial warship: HMCS Protector 1882-1944, Corrosion and Materials, 39(3), 52-56.

MacLeod, I.D.* and Richards, V.L.*, 2014. In-situ corrosion studies of wrecked WWII aircraft in Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. In ICOM-CC 17th Triennial Conference Preprints, Melbourne, 15–19 September 2014, ed. J. Bridgland, International Council of Museums, Paris, art. 0902, 8 pp. (ISBN 978-92- 9012-410-8)

MacLeod, I.D, D. Thurrowgood, G. Pohl, D. Howard, D. Patterson. (2014) Centuries of decay revealed by synchrotron analysis of the de Vlamingh 1697 pewter plate. In ICOM-CC 17th Triennial Conference Preprints, Melbourne, 15–19 September 2014, ed. J. Bridgland, art. 0903, 6 pp. Paris: International Council of Museums, (ISBN 978-92-9012-410-8)

Richards, V.*, MacLeod, I., Veth, P, Shefi, D, 2014. The Australian Historic Shipwreck Preservation Project. Reburial of Clarence (1850) and James Matthews (1841) shipwreck sites. Poster presented at the ICOM-CC 17th Triennial Conference Preprints, Melbourne, 15–19 September 2014.

Richards, V.*, MacLeod, I. and Veth, P., 2014. The Australian Historic Shipwreck Preservation Project – In-situ preservation and long-term monitoring of the Clarence (1850) and James Matthews (1841) shipwreck sites. In Proceedings of the 2nd Asia- Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage, 13-16 May 2014, Honolulu, Hawaii, eds H. Van Tilburg, S. Tripati, V. Walker Vadillo, B. Fahy and J. Kimura, 2014 Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage Planning Committee, Hawai’i, USA, pp. 469-482.

Shefi, D.,* Veth, P., Philippou, C.*, Rodrigues, J.*, Richards, V.*, Harvey, P.* and Carpenter, J.*, 2014. The Australian Historic Shipwreck Preservation Project: An interim progress report. Bulletin of the Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology, Vol. 38, pp. 31-40.

Shefi, D.*, Veth, P., Philippou, C.*, Rodrigues, J.*, Richards, V.* and Harvey, P.*, 2014. The Australian Historic Shipwreck Preservation Project – interim progress report. In Proceedings of the 2nd Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage, 13-16 May 2014, Honolulu, Hawaii, eds H. Van Tilburg, S. Tripati, V. Walker Vadillo, B. Fahy and J. Kimura, 2014 Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage Planning Committee, Hawai’i, USA, pp. 507-520.

Usher, K. M., Kaksonen, A, and MacLeod, I. D. (2014), Marine rust tubercles harbour iron corroding archaea and sulphate reducing bacteria, Corrosion Science 83, 189- 197.


Abu Baker, A., MacLeod, I.D., Sloggett, R., and Taylor, R., (2013), A comparative study of salicylaldoxime, cysteine and benzotriazole as inhibitors for the active chloride-based corrosion of copper and bronze artifacts, European Scientific Journal, 9(33) 228-251.

MacLeod, I.D., (2013) “The mechanism and kinetics of in-situ conservation of iron cannon on shipwreck sites”, International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 42(2), 382-391.

MacLeod, I.D., (2013), “Corrosion reversed: deposition of elemental copper and silver in marine concretions”, Corrosion and Materials, 38(6), 48-53.

MacLeod, I.D., (2013), Chapter 21, Monitoring, modelling and prediction of corrosion rates of historical iron shipwrecks, in Corrosion and conservation of cultural heritage metallic artefacts, in European Federation of Corrosion Publication No 65, Eds Dillman, D. Watkinson, E. Angelini & A. Adriaens, Woodhead Publishing Limited, 466-477.

MacLeod, I.D., (2013) Metals conservation via reductive dissolution and consolidation of corrosion products, Pre-prints of the METAL 2013, Proceedings of the Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metal Working Group, Edinburgh, Scotland September 2013, 335.

Peter Veth*, Cassandra Philippou*, Vicki Richards*, Mark Staniforth*, Jennifer Rodrigues*, Amer Khan*, Dudley Creagh*, Andrew Viduka*, Anthony Barham*, Ian MacLeod, Peter Harvey, 2013. The Australian Historic Shipwreck Preservation Project 2012: First report on the background, reburial and in situ preservation at the Clarence (1841-50), Bulletin of the Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology, Vol. 37, 1-19.


Godfrey I.*, Byrne L., Ghisalberti, E. and Richards V., 2012, Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic analyses of acid-affected waterlogged archaeological wood, in Proceedings of the 11th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, Greenville, North Carolina, USA, 24-28 May 2010, eds K. Strætkvern & E. Williams, The International Council of Museums, Committee for Conservation Working Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials, pp. 401-417.

Human, B.A, Morrison, S.M., & MacLeod I.D., (2012), “Is the Megamouth Shark susceptible to mega-distortion? Investigating the effects of twenty-two years of fixation and preservation on a large specimen of Megachasma pelagios (Chondrichthyes: Megachasmidae” Records of the Western Australian Museum 27, 7-20.

MacLeod, I.D., (2012), Shipwreck Conservation In: McCarthy, M. (ed.), Shipwrecks of Australia’s West Coast, Western Australian Museum, Perth, 44-47. MacLeod, I.D., & Taylor, P., (2012), The effects of depth and time on the corrosion of cast iron in Port Phillip, Corrosion and Protection 12, Australasian Corrosion Association Conference, Melbourne November 2011, Paper 126, 1-8 Nyström Godfrey I.*, Bergstrand T., Bohm C.*, Christensson E., Gjelstrup Björdal, C.*, Gregory D.*, MacLeod I.*, Peacock E.E.* and Richards V.*, 2012, Reburial and analyses of archaeological remains - The RAAR project. Phase II - Project status and new findings, in Proceedings of the 11th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, Greenville, North Carolina, USA, 24-28 May 2010, eds K. Strætkvern & E. Williams, The International Council of Museums, Committee for Conservation Working Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials, pp. 23-47.

Nyström Godfrey, I.*, Bergstrand, T., Petersson, H., Bohm, C., Christensson, E., Gjelstrup Björdal, C., Gregory, D., MacLeod, I., Peacock, E. & Richards, V., 2012, The RAAR Project – Heritage management aspects on reburial after ten years of work, Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites, Vol. 14, No. 1-4, 360- 371.

Peacock, E., Berstrand, T., Nyström Godfrey, I., Björdal C., Bohm, C., Christensson, E., Gregory, D., MacLeod, I., Nilsson, T., Richards, V. and Walker-Turner, G., 2012, Reburial: a method of preserving collections of maritime archaeological artefacts? Contributions of the Marstrand project, in IKUWA3 Beyond Boundaries. Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Underwater Archaeology, 9-12 July 2018, London, ed. Jon Henderson, Römisch-Germanische Kommission Des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Frankfurt, pp. 395-400.

Richards, V.* and McCarthy, M., 2012, James Matthews (1841) – In-situ preservation in Shipwrecks of Australia’s West Coast, ed. M. McCarthy, Western Australian Museum, Perth, p. 104.

Richards, V.* 2012, In-situ preservation and monitoring of the James Matthews shipwreck site, Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites, Vol. 14, No. 1-4, 169-181.

Richards, V.*, Gregory, D., MacLeod, I., Matthiesen, H., 2012, Reburial and analyses of archaeological remains in the marine environment – Investigations into the effects on metals, Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites, Vol. 14, No. 1-4, 35-47.

Richards, V.*, Kasi, K., Godfrey, I., 2012, Iron removal from waterlogged wood and the effects on wood chemistry, in Proceedings of the 11th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, Greenville, North Carolina, USA, 24- 28 May 2010, eds K. Strætkvern & E. Williams, The International Council of Museums, Committee for Conservation Working Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials, pp. 383-400.

Rodrigues, J.* and Richards, V., 2012, Australia’s private shipwreck collections: A current overview and proposed management strategies, Bulletin of the Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology, Vol. 36, pp. 77-88.


Carpenter, J.*, Richards, V., 2011, Conservation in archaeology – an awareness training programme in Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage, 8-12 November 2011, Manila, Philippines, eds M. Staniforth, J. Craig, S.C. Jago-on, B. Orillaneda & L. Lacsina, Jericopim Publishing House, Manila, pp. 541-550.

Godfrey, I. M.*, Richards, V. L., Cha, M. Y., 2011, The post-treatment deterioration of marine archaeological wood – where to now? in Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage, 8-12 November 2011, Manila, Philippines, eds M. Staniforth, J. Craig, S.C. Jago-on, B. Orillaneda & L. Lacsina, Jericopim Publishing House, Manila, pp. 697-713.

Godfrey, I. M.*, Richards, V. L.*, MacLeod, I.D., 2011, The Batavia – Past, Current and Future Conservation in Proceedings of the Shipwrecks 2011 – Chemistry and Preservation of Waterlogged Wooden Shipwrecks Conference, 18-21 October 2011, Stockholm, Sweden, ed. L. I. Elding, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden, pp. 22-29.

MacLeod, I.D., (2011) “Spiritual dimensions in Materials Conservation”, Museums Australia Conference, “At the Frontier, Exploring the Possibilities” Perth, November 2011, pages 1-8, MacLeod, I.D., (2011) “Consuming corrosion –A journey into the realm of materials conservation”, P F Thompson Memorial Lecture, 18th International Corrosion Congress, Perth, November 2011, 1-12.

MacLeod, I.D., & Binnie N. E., (2011), “A long-term study of conservation management and corrosion of shipwrecks in the Fathom Five Underwater National Park, Lake Huron, Canada” Preprints for ICOM-CC Triennial Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2011, Ed J Bridgland, ICOM-CC Lisbon, paper 0903, pp. 1-8 MacLeod, I.D.*, Richards, V.*, 2011, In-situ conservation surveys of iron shipwrecks in Chuuk Lagoon and the impact of human intervention, AICCM Bulletin, Vol. 32, Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material, Sydney, pp. 106-122. MacLeod, I.D., & van Dam A.J., (2011), “A migration mechanism for transfer of sharks from ethanol to aqueous glycerol solutions” Preprints for ICOM-CC Triennial Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2011, Ed J Bridgland, ICOM-CC Lisbon paper 1201, pp. 1-8

Ortmann, N.*, McKinnon, J., Richards, V., 2011, In-situ preservation and storage: Practitioner attitudes and behaviours, Bulletin of the Australasian Institute of Maritime Archaeology, Vol. 34, pp. 27-44.

Richards, V.*, 2011, In Situ Preservation – Application of a process-based approach to the management of underwater cultural heritage in Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage, 8-12 November 2011, Manila, Philippines, eds M. Staniforth, J. Craig, S.C. Jago-on, B. Orillaneda & L. Lacsina, Jericopim Publishing House, Manila, pp. 769-785.

Richards, V.*, 2011, In-situ preservation and reburial of the ex-slave ship, James Matthews, AICCM Bulletin, Vol. 32, Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material, Sydney, pp. 33-43.

Richards, V.*, Carpenter, J., Kasi, K., 2011, Shipwrecks of the Ningaloo Reef - Conservation Surveys 1992-2009 in Shipwrecks of the Ningaloo Reef: maritime archaeological projects from 1978-2009, ed. J. Green, Special Publication No. 15, Australian National Centre of Excellence for Maritime Archaeology, Department of Maritime Archaeology, Western Australian Museum, Fremantle, pp. 1-264.

Richards, V.L.*, MacLeod, I.D.*, 2011, Reburial and analyses of archaeological remains: Investigations into the effects of reburial on metals in Reburial and Analyses of Archaeological Remains – Phase II Results from the 4th retrieval in 2009 from Marstrand, Sweden. The RAAR Project, Appendix 4, eds I. Nystrom-Godfrey, T. Bergstrand & H. Petersson, Bohusläns Museum and Studio VästSvensk Konservering, Udevalla, Sweden, pp. 1-103.

Veth, P.*, Viduka, A., Staniforth, M.*, MacLeod, I., Richards, V.*, Barham, A., 2011, The Australian historic shipwreck protection project in Proceedings of the Asia- Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage, 8-12 November 2011, Manila, Philippines, eds M. Staniforth, J. Craig, S.C. Jago-on, B. Orillaneda & L. Lacsina, Jericopim Publishing House, Manila, pp.753-762.


Carpenter, J.*, MacLeod, I., Richards, V., 2010, Conserving the WWII wrecks of Truk Lagoon in In-situ Conservation of Cultural Heritage: Public, Professionals, and Preservation, eds V. Richards & J. McKinnon, PAST Foundation Publications, USA, pp. 32-39.

Fors, Y.*, Richards, V.*, 2010, The effects of the ammonia neutralising treatment on marine archaeological Vasa wood, Studies in Conservation, Vol. 55, No. 1, 2010, pp. 41-54.

Richards, V.*, McKinnon, J.*, (eds), 2010, Conservation of Cultural Heritage: Public, Professionals, and Preservation, PAST Foundation Publications, USA, pp. 1-95.

Richards, V.*, MacLeod, I. D., Morrison, P., 2010, Corrosion monitoring and the environmental impact of decommissioned naval vessels as artificial reefs in In-Situ Conservation of Cultural Heritage: Public, Professionals, and Preservation, eds V. Richards & J. McKinnon, PAST Foundation Publications, USA, pp. 50-67.


Carpenter J. (2009). The Xantho Engine – conserving the iron components, in Iron, Steel and Steamship Archaeology: Proceedings of the 2nd Australian Seminar, Fremantle, Melbourne and Sydney, June 2006. ed. M. McCarthy, Special Publication No13. Australian National Centre of Excellence for Maritime Archaeology. Special Publication Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology no. 15: 92-95.

Garcia, R. (2009). Dismantling and reconstructing the SS Xantho engine, in Iron, Steel and Steamship Archaeology: Proceedings of the 2nd Australian Seminar, Fremantle, Melbourne and Sydney, June 2006. ed. M. McCarthy, Special Publication No13. Australian National Centre of Excellence for Maritime Archaeology. Special Publication Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology no. 15: 105-109.

Godfrey, I.*, King-Smith, N., Morin, K., Richards, V., 2009, The analysis and conservation of organic materials from the SS Xantho in Iron, Steel & Steamships Archaeology: Proceedings of the 2nd Australian Seminar, held in Fremantle, Melbourne and Sydney, June 2006, ed. M. McCarthy, Special Publication Australian National Centre of Excellence for Maritime Archaeology no. 13, Special Publication Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology no. 15, pp. 92-95.

Nyström Godfrey, I.*, Berstrand, T.*, Gjelstrup Björdal, C.*, Nilsson, T.*, Bohm, C.*, Christenssen, E.*, Gregory, D.*, Peacock, E.E.*, Richards, V.*, MacLeod, I.D.*, 2009, Reburial and analysis of archaeological remains – The RAAR project. Project status and cultural heritage management implications based on the first preliminary results in Proceedings of the 10th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, Amsterdam, 10-15 September 2007, eds K. Straetkvern & D.J. Huisman, Rijksdienst voor Archeologie, Cultuurlandschap en Monumenten (RACM), Amersfoort, pp. 169-196.

Richards, V.*, Burrow, L., 2009, Conservation of copper alloys from S.S. Xantho in Iron, Steel & Steamships Archaeology: Proceedings of the 2nd Australian Seminar, held in Fremantle, Melbourne and Sydney, June 2006, ed. M. McCarthy, Special Publication Australian National Centre of Excellence for Maritime Archaeology no. 13, Special Publication Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology no. 15, pp. 96-104.

Richards, V.*, Godfrey, I., Blanchette, R., Held, B., Gregory, D., Reed, E., 2009, In- Situ monitoring and stabilisation of the James Matthews site in Proceedings of the 10th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, Amsterdam, 10-15 September 2007, eds K. Straetkvern & D.J. Huisman, Rijksdienst voor Archeologie, Cultuurlandschap en Monumenten (RACM), Amersfoort, pp. 113-160.


MacLeod I.D. (2008). The legal consequences of inadequate conservation for contract maritime archaeology. Preprints for ICOM-CC Triennial Meeting, New Delhi, India, September, 2008. Pp. 217-223.

MacLeod, I.D., (2008). Shipwreck graves and their conservation management. AICCM Bulletin 31: 5-14.

MacLeod, I.D. (2008). Washing formaldehyde from fixed spirit specimens: a mechanism for the preservation of megamouth III. AICCM Bulletin 31: 36-43.

MacLeod I.D., Cook D. and Schindelholz E. (2008). Corrosion and conservation of the American civil war ironclad USS Monitor (1862). Preprints for ICOM-CC Triennial Meeting, New Delhi, India, September 2008. Pp. 279-285.

MacLeod I.D, Hallam, D. and Kaus, D. (2008). It’s all in the nameplate; brass and bronze in colonial Australia. Preprints of the ICOM-CC Triennial Meeting, New Delhi, India, September 2008. Pp. 272-278.

MacLeod, I.D. and Haydock, P. (2008). Effects of water vapour and rock substrates on the microclimates of painted rock art surfaces and their impact on the preservation of the images. AICCM Bulletin 31: 66-86.

Manders, M.*, Gregory, D.*, Richards, V.*, 2008, The in-situ preservation of archaeological sites underwater. An evaluation of some techniques in Proceedings of the 2nd Heritage, Microbiology and Science, Microbes, Monuments and Maritime Materials Conference, 28 June – 1 July 2005, Portsmouth, UK, eds E. May, M. Jones & J. Mitchell, RSC Publishing, London, pp. 179-203.

Peacock, E., Berstrand, T., Nyström Godfrey, I., Björdal C., Bohm, C., Christensson, E., Gregory, D., MacLeod, I., Nilsson, T., Richards, V. and Walker-Turner, G., 2008, The Marstrand reburial project: Overview, phase I and future work, in Preserving Archaeological Remains In Situ. Proceedings of the 3rd conference, 7-9 December 2006, Amsterdam, eds Henk Kars and Robert M. van Heeringen, Geoarchaeological and Bioarchaeological Studies, Vol. 10, Amsterdam, pp. 253-263.


MacLeod, I.D.*, Beger, M., Richards, V.L., Jeffery, W., Hengeveld, M., 2007, Dynamic interaction of marine ecosystems with wrecks in Chuuk Lagoon, Federated States of Micronesia in Metal 07: Proceedings of the Interim Meeting of the ICOMCC Metal Working Group, Amsterdam, 17-21 September 2007, eds C. Degrigny, R. van Langh, I. Joosten & B. Ankersmit, Rijksmuseum, pp. 51-54.

Richards, V.L.*, MacLeod, I.D.*, 2007, Reburial and analyses of archaeological remains: Investigations into the effects of reburial on metals in Reburial and Analyses of Archaeological Remains – Studies on the Effect of Reburial on Archaeological Materials Performed in Marstrand, Sweden 2003-2005. The RAAR Project, eds I. Nystrom-Godfrey & T. Bergstrand, Bohusläns Museum and Studio VästSvensk Konservering, Sweden, pp. 91-179.

Tripati, S. and Godfrey, I. (2007). Studies on elephant tusks and hippopotamus teeth, collected from the early 17th century Portuguese shipwreck off Goa, west coast of India: evidence of maritime trade between Goa, Portugal and African countries. Current Science 92: 332-339.


MacLeod, I.D. (2006). In situ corrosion studies on wrecked aircraft of the Imperial Japanese Navy in Chuuk Lagoon, Federated States of Micronesia. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 35.1: 128-136.


Bergstrand, T.*, Björdal, C.G.*, Bohm, C.*, Christenssen, E.*, Gregory, D.*, MacLeod, I.D.*, Nilsson, T.*, Nyström, I.*, Peacock, E.* Richards, V.L.*, Turner, G.*, 2005, Reburial as a method of preserving archaeological remains. A presentation of the Marstrand project in Proceedings of the 9th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, Copenhagen, 7-11 June 2004, eds P. Hoffmann, K. Strætkvern, J.A. Spriggs & D. Gregory, The International Council of Museums, Committee for Conservation Working Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials, Bremerhaven. pp. 9-39.

Godfrey, I.M., Reed, E., Richards, V.L.*, West, N.F., Winton, T., 2005, The James Matthews shipwreck – Conservation survey and in-situ stabilisation in Proceedings of the 9th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, Copenhagen, 2004, eds P. Hoffmann, K. Strætkvern, J.A. Spriggs & D. Gregory, The International Council of Museums, Committee for Conservation Working Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials, Bremerhaven. pp. 40-76.

MacLeod, I.D. (2005). The effects of moisture, micronutrient supplies and microbiological activity on the surface pH of rocks in the Burrup Peninsula. Preprints for ICOM-CC Triennial Meeting, Den Haag, The Netherlands, September 2005, 2b: 386-393.

MacLeod, I.D. (2005). The decay and conservation of museum objects of tin. Studies in Conservation 50: 1-2.

Winton, T.*, Richards, V.*, 2005, In-situ containment of sediment for shipwreck reburial projects in Proceedings of the 9th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, Copenhagen, 7-11 June 2004, eds P. Hoffmann, K. Strætkvern, J.A. Spriggs & D. Gregory, The International Council of Museums, Committee for Conservation Working Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials, Bremerhaven. pp. 77-89.


Heldtberg M., MacLeod I.*, Richards, V., 2004, Corrosion and cathodic protection of iron in seawater: a case study of the James Matthews (1841) in Metal 04: Proceedings of the International Conference on Metals Conservation, Canberra, 4-8 October 2004, eds J. Ashton & D. Hallam, National Museum of Australia, pp. 75-87.

Godfrey, I.M.*, Gregory, D., Nyström, I., Richards, V.*, 2004, In-situ preservation of archaeological materials and sites underwater in Mediterraneum, F. ed. Maniscalco, Massa Editore, Italy, pp. 343-351.

MacLeod I., Morrison P., Richards V.*, West N., 2004, Corrosion monitoring and the environmental impact of decommissioned naval vessels as artificial reefs in Metal 04: Proceedings of the International Conference on Metals Conservation, Canberra, 4-8 October 2004, eds J. Ashton & D. Hallam, National Museum of Australia, pp. 53- 74.

Richards, V.L.*, MacLeod, I.D., 2004, Corrosion survey of the former naval vessel HMAS Perth, Department of Materials Conservation, Western Australian Museum, Perth. pp. 1-39.


Sandström, M.*, Persson, I., Jalilehvand, F., Fors, Y., Damian, E., Gelius, U., Hall- Roth, I., Richards, V.L., Godfrey, I., 2003, The sulphur threat to marinearchaeological artefacts: acid and iron removal from the Vasa in Proceedings, Conservation Science 2002, Edinburgh, 22-24 May 2002, eds J.H. Townsend, K. Eremin, A. Adriaens, Archetype Press, London, pp. 79-87.


Ghisalberti, E., Godfrey, I.M.*, Kilminster, K., Richards, V.L., Williams, E., 2002, The analysis of acid affected Batavia timbers in Proceedings of the 8th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, Stockholm, 2001, eds P. Hoffmann, J.A. Spriggs, T. Grant, C. Cook & A. Recht, The International Council of Museums, Committee for Conservation Working Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials, pp. 281-307.

Godfrey, I.M., Kasi, K., Richards, V.L.*, 2002, Iron removal from waterlogged leather and rope recovered from shipwreck sites in Proceedings of the 8th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, Stockholm, 2001, eds P. Hoffmann, J.A. Spriggs, T. Grant, C. Cook & A. Recht, The International Council of Museums, Committee for Conservation Working Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials, pp. 439-470.

Richards, V.L.*, 2002, Cosmetic treatment of deacidified Batavia timbers, AICCM Bulletin, vol. 27, Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material, pp. 12- 13.

Richards, V.L.*, West N.F., 2002, The use of pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometry to study the extent of degradation of waterlogged wood in Proceedings of the 8th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, Stockholm, 2001, eds P. Hoffmann, J.A. Spriggs, T. Grant, C. Cook & A. Recht, The International Council of Museums, Committee for Conservation Working Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials pp. 259-280.


MacLeod, I.D., Richards, V.L.*, 1997, Wood degradation on historic shipwreck sites: The use of FT-IR spectroscopy to study and the loss of hemicellulose in Proceedings of the 6th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, York, 1996, eds, P. Hoffmann, T, Grant, J.A. Spriggs & T. Daley, The International Council of Museums, Committee for Conservation Working Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials, Bremerhaven, pp. 203-228.

MacLeod, I.D., Richards, V.L.*, 1997, The impact of metal corrosion products on the degradation of waterlogged wood recovered from historic shipwreck sites in Proceedings of the 6th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, York, 1996, eds, P. Hoffmann, T, Grant, J.A. Spriggs & T. Daley, The International Council of Museums, Committee for Conservation Working Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials, Bremerhaven, pp. 331-351.


MacLeod, I.D., Mardikian, P., Richards, V.L.*, 1994, Observations on the extraction of iron and chloride ions from composite artefacts in Proceedings of the 5th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, Portland, Maine, 1993, eds, P. Hoffmann, T. Daley & T. Grant, The International Council of Museums, Committee for Conservation Working Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials, Bremerhaven, pp. 199-211.

MacLeod, I.D.*, Richards, V.L., 1994, Monitoring moisture in Batavia timbers in Proceedings of the 5th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, Portland, Maine, 1993, eds, P. Hoffmann, T. Daley & T. Grant, The International Council of Museums, Committee for Conservation Working Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials, Bremerhaven, pp. 79-95.


MacLeod, I.D.*, Brooke, P., Richards, V.L., 1991, Iron corrosion products and their interactions with waterlogged wood and PEG in Proceedings of the 4th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, Bremerhaven, 1990, ed. P. Hoffmann, The International Council of Museums Committee for Conservation Working Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials, Bremerhaven, pp. 119- 132.


Richards, R.W., Richards, V.L.*, May, S.R., 1990, Western Australian marine engineering - its history and preservation: A case study of the West Ho marine engine restoration in Fifth National Conference on Engineering Heritage, Perth, 3-5 December 1990. Interpreting Engineering Heritage, The Institution of Engineers, Western Australian Division, West Perth, pp. 89-95.

Richards, V.L.*, 1990, The consolidation of degraded, deacidified Batavia timbers, AICCM Bulletin, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 35-53.


MacLeod, I.D.*, Fraser, F., Richards, V.L., 1989, The PEG-water solvent system: Effects of composition on extraction of chloride and iron from wood and concretion in Conservation of Wet Wood and Metal. Proceedings of the ICOM Conservation Working Groups on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials and Metals. Fremantle, 1987, eds I.D. MacLeod & D.W. Grattan, Western Australian Museum, pp. 245-257.