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Group portrait of Miss M Butler's concert stage group, chairs in foreground and piano covered. Man seated on far right is Charles A Huddle, Advertisement in Kalgoorlie Miner 7 May 1908, full report in same, 8 May 1908 - copy in History file H116.
Room interior, Mr W Leslie 37 Lewis Street, showing chairs, piano, photographs on table and mantlepieces.
Interior of classroom at Convent school at Coolgardie showing students sitting at desks working. Piano in corner
5 men in in dinner suits, stringes, wind instruments and drums, in 'Aerial Aces' band, (Dower)
Bert mainwaring piano, Sam Sharp cornet, Harry Dower violin, Phil Fryer saxophone, clarinet, Phil Daws drummer
Miss E. Downing's Jazz Orchestra - 4 players, 3 men and 1 woman with instuments - piano, violin, trumpet and drums.
Eddie Stephen, Daph Kennedy, Myrtle Carlson(on piano) and Betty Loxton at the RFDS Birthday Celebrations.