

Dwyer and Mackay

Large Wedding group in front of Hessian Houses, Mr John Hurley (groom) Bride Ethel ?, Bride and Groom in middle. Lady next to groom Ellen Hurley (sister to groom), seated next to her is grooms parents Mary Anne Hurley and Daniel Hurley, next to them Christina and Johnathon Vickers and child. Girl on rug far left Catherine Hurley, boy next to her is William Hurley. Man standing on far right is Daniel Hurley next to him Martin Collins. Man seated third from right Charles Hurley

Collection Item Data

Medium Format: 16.5x21.6 cm. / 6.5x8.5 inch
Condition: Good
Medium: Unknown B&W
Keywords: largeweddinggroupfronthessianhousesjohnhurleygroombrideethelmiddleladyellensisterseatedgroomsparentsmaryannedanielchristinajohnathonvickerschildgirlrugleftcatherineboywilliammanstandingmartincollinscharles
Accession Number: GMM 221/299
Registration Number: GM01221
Location: Kalgoorlie
State: WA W
Creator:  J.J. Dwyer
Original Legal Broker: Museum of the Goldfields - MOG; Golden Mile Museum
Cataloguer:  Jill Moffat
Month Taken: 2
Year Taken: 1907

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Western Australian Museum Collections
Accessed 14 Jun 2024

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