Two valves of Pratulum occidentale (Photo: Poorten et al 2017)

western Pratulum

Pratulum occidentale

Pratulum occidentale is a small mid-deep water (20-320 m dead, 100-101 m live) species with coarse and heterogeneous outer sculpture that changes abruptly on the posterior area of the valves. It is an endemic tropical WA species.  The name occidentale refers to the more westerly distribution of this species compared to others in the area.


Overall, it is small in size for the genus but it differs from the similar P. thetidis in being larger, not as inflated and with more delicate sculpturing.  The shell is white, only light pink to orange tinges occur giving the shell some coloration. Radial ribs are many and small, with a mean of 77. Distinct anterior, median and posterior sculptural zones, with well developed spines in the posterior area especially and many radial ribs characterizing the anterior and median zones. It superficially resembles species of Microcardium given strong differences among sculptural zones, however, patterns of the rib interstices in Microcardium, where rows of spines alternate with rows of cross-bars as high or higher than ribs, never occur in P. occidentale.


Little is known about the relationship of this species to other members of the genus.


This species, like all cardiids, is shallowly infaunal and will reburrow if disturbed.

Method of reproduction

Broadcast spawner.



Deep water infaunal in sand and silt


An endemic tropical to subtropical WA species.


Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Bivalvia
Subclass: Heterodonta
Superorder: Imparidentia
Superfamily: Cardioidea
Family: Cardiidae
Genus: Pratulum
Subspecies: occidentale
Name Published Year: 2017
Scientific Name Authorship: Poutiers
Commercial Impact: 


Conservation Assessment: Least Concern

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Accessed 20 Jun 2024

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