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F/L group portrait of family of five; man, woman, 2 boys and a baby all formally dressed and posed for the occcasion. Mr. F.W. Allsop.
F/L portrait large group of men and women all formally dressed and posed outside building. Johnson Group; Marshall.
F/L Family portrait (8). Mother , father formally dressd and 2 boys, 4 girls posed in various positions. Mr. S. McCarthy
F/L portrait of group Family, (8). Mother, father, 3 boys and 3 girls all formally dressed and posed for the photo. Mr. W. Levers.
F/L portrait of 5 men, all formally dressed and posed. Mr. F. Hilton.
F/L portrait of family of 5, father, mother , 2 young girls and 1 small boy formally dressed for poto. Interesting jewellry on woman's high neck blouse. Mr. A.E. Abud.
F/L portrait 6 people; three men formally dressed and 3 young boys in shorts and shirts. Mr. Govich.
F/L portrait of bride and groom, both formally dressed in wedding clothes. Mr. W. Chapple.
F/L portrait of bride and bridesmaid, both formally dressed in wedding clothes. Mr. W. Chapple.
F/L portrait of wedding group (7). bride, groom, 3 men 2 women, all formally dressed for the wedding. Mr. W. Chapple.