Celebrating 100 years of Hackett Hall!

Photo Galleries | Updated 3 years ago

Hackett Hall013888PD Hackett Hall, premises of the Public Library of Western Australia, James Street, Perth, 1913
Image courtesy State Library of WA
Hackett Hall013890PD Inside Hackett Hall, Public Library of Western Australia, 1913
Image courtesy State Library of WA
Hackett Hall013893PD Inside Hackett Hall, Public Library of Western Australia, 1913
Image courtesy State Library of WA
Hackett Hall013894PD Inside Hackett Hall, Public Library of Western Australia, 1913
Image courtesy State Library of WA
Hackett Hall018556PD Hackett Hall, Public Library of Western Australia building, James Street, Perth, ca. 1935
Image courtesy State Library of WA
Hackett Hall231751PD Hackett Hall before alteration, December 1960
Image courtesy State Library of WA
Hackett Hall231752PD Hackett Hall before alteration, December 1960
Image courtesy State Library of WA
Hackett Hall231753PD Hackett Hall during alterations, January 1961
Image courtesy State Library of WA
Hackett Hall231760PD Hackett Hall after alterations, May 1961
Image courtesy of State Library of WA
Hackett Hall231860PD State Library of Western Australia in Hackett Hall, Perth, April 1973.
Image courtesy State Library of WA
Hackett Hall231863PD State Library of Western Australia in Hackett Hall, Perth, April 1973.
Image courtesy State Library of WA
Hackett Hall231864PD State Library of Western Australia in Hackett Hall, Perth, April 1973. Library of Business Science & Technology
Image courtesy State Library of WA
Perth Cultural Centre 1985215445PD The Perth Cultural Centre circa 1985
Image courtesy State Library of WA
Hackett Hall with carnotaurus Hackett Hall alcove, the old home of our Carnotaurus who now lives in the WA Museum foyer
Image courtesy WA Museum
Hackett HallHackett Hall 188 degree panoramic shot - 2012
Copyright 2012 of Philip David Hart
Hackett HallHackett Hall 360 degree panoramic shot - 2012
Copyright 2012 of Philip David Hart
Hackett HallHackett Hall Gallery set up for an event
Image courtesy WA Museum
Hackett HallHackett Hall Gallery set up for an event
Image courtesy WA Museum
Hackett HallHackett Hall Gallery set up for an event
Image courtesy WA Museum

To celebrate the iconic Hackett Hall's 100th birthday on August 18, 2013, we've compiled a collection of images from the WA Museum and State Library archives showcasing the Hall's transition from the State Library's reading room between 1913 and 1984, to the home of the WA Land and People exhibition and beautiful venue and temporary exhibition space it is today.

See Carnotaurus's big move from inside Hackett Hall to the foyer: museum.wa.gov.au/explore/galleries/renovating-hackett-hall