Batavia Discovery 50th AnniversaryPhoto Galleries | Updated 4 years ago Batavia archway stones laid out after being raised from the siteImage copyright WA Museum Bringing the cannon down the jettyImage copyright WA Museum Bringing the cannon down the jettyImage copyright WA Museum Cataloguing and processing artefactsImage copyright WA Museum Divers testing equipment off the jetty before venturing out to the site.Image copyright WA Museum Divers working on the siteImage copyright WA Museum Excavating a concreted pile of cannon ballsImage copyright WA Museum Inspecting timbers as they are removed from HenriettaImage copyright WA Museum Labelling and recording the hull timbers before removalImage copyright WA Museum Lifting a cannonImage copyright WA Museum The Museum's workboat, HenriettaImage copyright WA Museum Raising one of the hull timbersImage copyright WA Museum The famous Batavia astrolabeImage copyright WA Museum The Museum's workboat, HenriettaImage copyright WA Museum Trip back from the site to Beacon - timbers are in the crate at the back where they remained wet.Image copyright WA Museum Underwater chainsaws were used to make some of the largest pieces more manageable when removedImage copyright WA Museum View from Henrietta down the jetty to Beacon IslandImage copyright WA Museum View of the site before timbers were raised Image copyright WA Museum Work uniform of the time...Image copyright WA Museum Working on the site with the dredge Image copyright WA Museum Working on the site with the dredge Image copyright WA Museum Our maritime archaeology department recently shared a selection of images from the early expeditions and excavations of Batavia (1629) on their Facebook page to celebrate the 50th anniversary of discovering the wreck site (June 4th 2013).