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Newmanella vitiata

Authority: (DARWIN, 1854)

Family: Tetraclitidae

Newmanella vitiata was found at:

Map of Dampier Archipelago Station DA1/98/02 Station DA1/98/10 Station DA1/98/11 Station DA1/98/23 Station DA1/98/35 Station DA3/99/38 Station DA3/99/51 Station DA4/00/PC Station DA4/00/WC Station DAIrr/DB Station DAIrr/FB Station DAIrr/SP Station DA4/00/UN

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Distribution by Station:

  • DA1/98/02 — E side of Dolphin Island
  • DA1/98/10 — Passage between Angel and Gidley Islands
  • DA1/98/11 — W coast of S part of Dolphin Island
  • DA1/98/23 — Large bay on E side of Dolphin Island
  • DA1/98/35 — Off SW coast of Lengendre Island
  • DA3/99/38 — N coast of Malus Islands
  • DA3/99/51 — W side of large bay on N coast of Enderby Island
  • DA4/00/PC — Point Cleaverville
  • DA4/00/WC — Watering Cove, Burrup Peninsula
  • DAIrr/DB — Dampier Beach, Burrup Peninsula
  • DAIrr/FB — Front Beach, Dampier
  • DAIrr/SP — Sea Ripple Passage, Burrup Peninsula
  • DA4/00/UN — Collection performed at location other than official site