View Species

Parthenope nodosa

Authority: (JACQUINOT, 1854)

Family: Parthenopidae

Parthenope nodosa was found at:

Map of Dampier Archipelago Station DA2/99/01 Station DA2/99/40 Station DA2/99/65 Station DA2/99/68 Station DA2/99/69 Station DA2/99/72

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Distribution by Station:

  • DA2/99/01 — Mermaid Sound, N of Phillip Point, Burrup Peninsula
  • DA2/99/40 — W-SW of Bluff Point, Enderby Island
  • DA2/99/65 — NW of light on East Intercourse Island
  • DA2/99/68 — S of Bluff Point, Enderby Island
  • DA2/99/69 — SE of the SE point of Goodwyn Island
  • DA2/99/72 — S-SW of Rocky Head, Enderby Island