View Species

Macrophthalmus boscii?

Authority: AUDOUIN, 1826

Family: Ocypodidae

Macrophthalmus boscii? was found at:

Map of Dampier Archipelago Station DA1/98/10 Station DA1/98/31 Station DA3/99/38 Station DA3/99/48 Station DA3/99/51 Station DA3/99/54 Station DA3/99/62

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Distribution by Station:

  • DA1/98/10 — Passage between Angel and Gidley Islands
  • DA1/98/31 — Island towards E end of Sea Ripple Passage
  • DA3/99/38 — N coast of Malus Islands
  • DA3/99/48 — N side of Goodwyn Island
  • DA3/99/51 — W side of large bay on N coast of Enderby Island
  • DA3/99/54 — S side of large bay on the E coast of Enderby Island
  • DA3/99/62 — Bay on S coast of East Lewis Island