View Species

Acropora hyacinthus

Authority: (Dana, 1846)

Family: Acroporidae

Acropora hyacinthus was found at:

Map of Dampier Archipelago Station DA1/98/03 Station DA1/98/05 Station DA1/98/08 Station DA1/98/16 Station DA1/98/23 Station DA1/98/25 Station DA1/98/31

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Distribution by Station:

  • DA1/98/03 — N side of the SE end of Legendre Island
  • DA1/98/05 — S end of the N side of Legendre Island
  • DA1/98/08 — Mid point of island, off W coast of Angel Island
  • DA1/98/16 — E side, near SW end of Hamersley Shoals
  • DA1/98/23 — Large bay on E side of Dolphin Island
  • DA1/98/25 — S tip of Keast Island
  • DA1/98/31 — Island towards E end of Sea Ripple Passage