View Species

Tellina inflata

Authority: Gmelin, 1791

Family: Tellinidae
See also Arcopaginula inflata. There is some conjecture regarding the correct name of this species and thus both names are included until this nomenclature has been resolved.

Tellina inflata was found at:

Map of Dampier Archipelago Station DA1/98/11 Station DA1/98/20 Station DA1/98/23 Station DA1/98/28 Station DA3/99/41 Station DAIrr/EL

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Distribution by Station:

  • DA1/98/11 — W coast of S part of Dolphin Island
  • DA1/98/20 — E side of Collier Rocks
  • DA1/98/23 — Large bay on E side of Dolphin Island
  • DA1/98/28 — W coast near the N end of Dolphin Island
  • DA3/99/41 — S of Norbill Bay, NE of Georgeff Reefs
  • DAIrr/EL — Near N point of W coast of East Lewis Island