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21 matching species found.

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21 species found
Scientific Name Family Stations Images PDF
Cerithium balteatum Cerithiidae 5 - PDF available
Cerithium coralium Cerithiidae 2 - PDF available
Cerithium echinatum Cerithiidae 7 - PDF available
Cerithium novaehollandiae Cerithiidae 42 - PDF available
Cerithium sp. Cerithiidae 2 - PDF available
Cerithium torresi Cerithiidae 8 - PDF available
Cerithium traillii Cerithiidae 3 - PDF available
Cerithium zonatum Cerithiidae 13 - PDF available
Clypeomorus batillariaeformis Cerithiidae 8 - PDF available
Clypeomorus bifasciata Cerithiidae 1 - PDF available
Pseudovertagus aluco Cerithiidae 11 - PDF available
Rhinoclavis articulata Cerithiidae 2 - PDF available
Rhinoclavis bituberculata Cerithiidae 4 - PDF available
Rhinoclavis brettinghami Cerithiidae 22 - PDF available
Rhinoclavis fasciata Cerithiidae 10 - PDF available
Rhinoclavis kochi Cerithiidae 3 - PDF available
Rhinoclavis vertagus Cerithiidae 3 - PDF available
Rhinoclavus articulata Cerithiidae 2 - PDF available
Rhinoclavus kochi Cerithiidae 2 - PDF available
Unidentified Specimen(s)  Cerithiidae 7 - PDF available
Velacumantus australis Cerithiidae 2 - PDF available
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