Hexisopus Karsch, 1879


Distribution Count
Angola 1
Botswana 1
Namibia 11
South Africa 3

Type species

Aellopus and Hexisopus: Aellopus lanata C.L. Koch, 1842, by monotypy.

Mossamedessa: Mossamedessa abnormis Roewer, 1932, by monotypy.


Aellopus C.L. Koch, 1842: 354; C.L. Koch, 1850: 97; Butler, 1873d: 418; Simon, 1879a: 152 [junior homonym of Aellopus Hübner, 1816 (Insecta: Hemiptera)].

Hexisopus Karsch, 1879b: 109; Kraepelin, 1899b: 254; Purcell, 1899: 381- 384; Kraepelin, 1901a: 149; Hewitt, 1919b: 24, 66-69; Roewer, 1933: 331; Wharton, 1981: 47-48; Harvey, 2003c: 281 [replacement name for Aellopus C.L. Koch, 1842].

Mossamedessa Roewer, 1932: 42; Roewer, 1933: 337-338 (synonymised by Wharton, 1981: 47).