Paratemnoides Harvey, 1991


Distribution Count
Argentina 1
Australia 1
Barbados 1
Burundi 1
Brazil 2
Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire) 3
Congo 1
Ivory Coast 1
Cameroon 3
China 1
Colombia 1
Costa Rica 1
Cuba 1
Cape Verde 1
Dominican Republic 1
Ecuador 2
Ethiopia 1
Micronesia 2
Gabon 1
Ghana 1
Guinea 2
Equatorial Guinea 1
Guatemala 2
Guinea-Bissau 2
Guyana 2
Haiti 1
Indonesia 6
India 5
Japan 2
Kenya 3
Cambodia 1
Laos 1
Sri Lanka 1
Madagascar 1
Myanmar 1
Northern Mariana Islands 2
Mexico 2
Malaysia 2
Mozambique 1
Namibia 1
Panama 2
Peru 1
Papua New Guinea 5
Philippines 3
Paraguay 1
Solomon Islands 3
Singapore 1
Sierra Leone 1
Somalia 1
Sao Tome and Principe 1
Chad 1
Togo 1
Thailand 1
Turkey 1
Tanzania 1
Uganda 2
United States 1
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1
Venezuela 1
U.S. Virgin Islands 1
Vietnam 2
Vanuatu 2
South Africa 2
Zimbabwe 1

Type species

Chelifer guineensis Ellingsen, 1906 (junior synonym of Chelifer pallidus Balzan, 1892), by original designation.


Paratemnus Beier, 1932b: 562-563; Beier, 1932e: 33; Morikawa, 1960: 137; Murthy and Ananthakrishnan, 1977: 125; Sivaraman, 1980c: 345-346 (junior homonym of Paratemnus Ameghino, 1904).

Paratemnoides Harvey, 1991a: 469 (replacement name for Paratemnus Beier, 1932b).
