Microbisium Chamberlin, 1930


Distribution Count
Austria 2
Azerbaijan 1
Belgium 2
Canada 2
Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire) 2
Switzerland 2
China 1
Costa Rica 2
Czech Republic 2
Germany 2
Denmark 1
Estonia 1
Spain 2
Finland 1
France 1
United Kingdom 1
Georgia 1
Greece 1
Hungary 2
Italy 2
Japan 1
Kenya 1
South Korea 1
Latvia 1
Morocco 1
Mexico 1
Norway 1
Nepal 1
Pakistan 1
Poland 2
Romania 2
Russia 2
Rwanda 1
Sweden 2
Slovakia 1
El Salvador 1
Tanzania 1
United States 2
Zimbabwe 1

Type species

of Microbisium: Obisium brunneum Hagen, 1868b, by original designation.

of Afrobisium: Obisium dogieli Redikorzev, 1924a, by original designation.

of Nepalobisium: Nepalobisium franzi Beier, 1974b, by original designation.


Microbisium Chamberlin, 1930: 20; Beier, 1932a: 136; Beier, 1939f: 186; Hoff, 1949b: 444-445; Hoff, 1956b: 2; Hoff, 1961: 431-432; Beier, 1963b: 202-203; Muchmore, 1979a: 194; Harvey, 1991a: 337;Muchmore, 1992: 131.

Afrobisium Beier, 1932a: 140 (synonymised by Mahnert, 1981a: 536).

Nepalobisium Beier, 1974b: 263-264; Harvey, 1991a: 391 (synonymised by Dashdamirov and Golovatch, 2006: 300).