Ideoblothrus Balzan, 1892


Distribution Count
Australia 8
Brazil 6
Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire) 3
Congo 2
Ivory Coast 2
Colombia 2
Costa Rica 1
Ecuador 2
Guinea 1
Indonesia 1
Jamaica 4
Cayman Islands 1
Sri Lanka 1
Martinique 1
Mexico 5
Peru 1
Papua New Guinea 1
Puerto Rico 1
Palau 1
Solomon Islands 3
Seychelles 1
Uganda 1
United States 1
Venezuela 1
South Africa 1

Type species

of Ideobisium (Ideoblothrus): Ideobisium (Ideoblothrus) similis Balzan, 1892, by subsequent designation of *Muchmore, 1982c: 207.
of Pachychitra: Pachychitra maya Chamberlin, 1938b, by original designation.


Ideobisium (Ideoblothrus) Balzan, 1892: 541.

Pachychitra Chamberlin, 1938b: 111; Hoff, 1945e: 1; Hoff, 1964a: 7-8; Muchmore, 1979a: 195 (synonymised by Muchmore, 1982c: 207).

Ideoblothrus Balzan: Muchmore, 1982c: 207; Harvey, 1991a: 421; Harvey, 1991e: 495; Harvey and Edward, 2007: 449-450.
