Anaulacodithella Beier, 1944


Distribution Count
Australia 2
New Caledonia 2
South Africa 3

Type species

of Verrucadithella (Anaulacodithella): Chthonius mordax Tullgren, 1907b, by original designation.
of Xenoditha: Chthonius mordax Tullgren, 1907b, by original designation.


Verrucadithella (Anaulacodithella) Beier, 1944: 175.

Xenoditha Chamberlin and R.V. Chamberlin, 1945: 17-18 (synonymised by Beier, 1947b: 287).

Anaulacodithella Beier: Beier, 1947b: 287; Beier, 1976f: 200; Harvey, 1991a: 217; Harvey, 1996a: 257.