Eremorhax joshui (Brookhart and Muma, 1987)


Eremorhax joshuae Brookhart and Muma: Polis and McCormick, 1986: 112 (nomen nudum).

Arenotherus joshui Brookhart and Muma, 1987: 9-10, figs 44-49.

Eremorhax joshui (Brookhart and Muma): Harvey, 2002a: 451; Harvey, 2003c: 247; Brookhart and Brookhart, 2006: 302.

Type Locality

Jumbo Rocks, Joshua Tree National Monument, Riverside County, California, U.S.A.


United States

Latitude: 34°00'N

Longitude: 116°04'W

Coordinates based upon: Jumbo Rocks