Euphrynichus bacillifer (Gerstaecker, 1873)


Phrynus bacillifer Gerstaecker, 1873: 472; Moritz and Fischer, 1980: 138.

Phrynichus bacillifer (Gerstaecker): Karsch, 1879a: 195; Simon, 1887b: 455 (as Phryniscus [sic] bacillifer); Pereyaslawzewa, 1897a: 320-321 (as Phryniscus [sic] bacillifer); Kraepelin, 1899a: 237-238 (in part, see Euphrynichus alluaudi (Simon)); Kraepelin, 1901b: 264; Werner, 1902: 606; Börner, 1904: 5, fig. 48; Tullgren, 1907b: 2; Arldt, 1908: 441, 443; Kraepelin, 1908c: 205, 208; Kraepelin, 1913: 188; Gravely, 1915b: 455 (in part, see Euphrynichus alluaudi (Simon)); Lessert, 1915: 83; Strand, 1916: 71; Lampe, 1918: 205; Loveridge, 1925: 308; Mello-Leitão, 1931: 36, fig. 4 (as Phrynicos [sic] alluaudi); Kästner, 1932: figs 45, 85; Werner, 1935a: 472, fig. 146; Whittick, 1940: 369-374, figs 1a, 1c-d, 2a-c, 4a-c, 5a, 5c-d; Fage, 1946b: 260; Millot, 1948a: 148 (as Phrynicus [sic] bacilifer [sic]); Snodgrass, 1948: fig. 8b; Fage, 1951: 10-11, fig. 1; Fage, 1954: 180, fig. 1; Lawrence, 1955: 261; Lawrence, 1968a: 5-6, fig. 2b; Lawrence, 1969b: 81, 86 (in part, see Phrynichus exophthalmus Whittick); Quintero, 1975: 161, fig. 19; Humphreys, 1987: fig. 5f (as Phryniscus [sic] exophthalmus); Humphreys, 1995: 178, fig. 5a.

Phrynichus telekii Simon, 1890b: 129 (as Phryniscus [sic] telekii); Mello-Leitão, 1931: 37 (as Phrynicus [sic] telekii); Vandel, 1965: 94 (as Phryniscus [sic] telekii) (synonymised by Kraepelin, 1895: 12).

Tarantula bacillifera (Gerstaecker): Kraepelin, 1895: 12-13, fig. 10 (in part, see Euphrynichus alluaudi (Simon)); Simon, in Fage and Simon, 1936: 297, figs 1d-g.

Phrynichus reniformis (Linnaeus): Strand, 1913: 326 (misidentification).

Tarantula telekii (Simon): Simon, in Fage and Simon, 1936: 298, figs 1h-k.

Euphrynichus bacillifer (Gerstaecker): Weygoldt, 1995a: 81; Huber, 1998: 12; Weygoldt, 1998b: 267-272, figs 30-41; Weygoldt, 1998c: 48-53, figs 108-115, 117; Weygoldt, 1999c: figs 34-35; Weygoldt, 2000a: figs 37, 148-149, 200, 292; Weygoldt, 2000b: 343-344, 346; Harvey, 2003c: 15; Dunlop and Barov, 2006: fig. 15; Réveillion, 2009: unnumbered figs.

Type Locality

Phrynus bacillifer: Zanzibar Island (as "Insel Sansibar"), Tanzania.

Phrynichus telekii: Lake Tanganyika.


Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire)

Phrynus bacillifer Gerstaecker, 1873
Phrynichus telekii Simon, 1890

Latitude: 6°10'S

Longitude: 39°22'E

Coordinates based upon: Zanzibar Island