Oratemnus cavernicola Beier, 1976
Oratemnus curtus (Beier, 1954)
Oratemnus distinctus (Beier, 1948)
Paratemnoides pococki (With, 1907)
Oratemnus punctatus (L. Koch and Keyserling, 1885)
Cryptocheiridium (Cryptocheiridium) australicum Beier, 1969
Protochelifer australis (Tubb, 1937)
Protochelifer brevidigitatus (Tubb, 1937)
Protochelifer cavernarum Beier, 1967
Protochelifer naracoortensis Beier, 1968
Philomaoria pallipes (White, 1849)
Nannochelifer paralius Harvey, 1984
Australochelifer pygmaeus Beier, 1975
Protochelifer victorianus Beier, 1966
Calymmachernes angulatus Beier, 1954
Nesidiochernes australicus Beier, 1966
Austrochernes australiensis (With, 1905)
Sundochernes australiensis Beier, 1954
Marachernes bellus Harvey, 1992
Conicochernes brevispinosus (L. Koch and Keyserling, 1885)
Conicochernes crassus Beier, 1954
Troglochernes cruciatus Volschenk, 2007
Troglochernes dewae (Beier, 1967)
Cordylochernes dingo Harvey, 1990
Conicochernes doyleae Kennedy, 1990
Sundochernes dubius Beier, 1954
Conicochernes globosus Beier, 1954
Nesochernes gracilis Beier, 1932
Nesochernes gracilis norfolkensis Beier, 1976
Satrapanus grayi (Beier, 1976)
Troglochernes guanophilus (Beier, 1967)
Troglochernes imitans Beier, 1969
Conicochernes incrassatus (Beier, 1933)
Americhernes mahnerti Harvey, 1990
Barbaraella mainae Harvey, 1995
Americhernes muchmorei Harvey, 1990
Americhernes neboissi Harvey, 1990
Haplochernes norfolkensis Beier, 1976
Troglochernes omorgus Harvey and Volschenk, 2007
Americhernes orestes Harvey, 1990
Americhernes paluma Harvey, 1990
Megachernes penicillatus Beier, 1948
Marachernes perup Harvey, 1992
Apatochernes posticus Beier, 1976
Megachernes queenslandicus Beier, 1948
Sundochernes queenslandicus Beier, 1975
Haplochernes ramosus (L. Koch and Keyserling, 1885)
Parachernes (Parachernes) sabulosus (Tullgren, 1909)
Lamprochernes savignyi (Simon, 1881)
Marachernes simulans Harvey, 1992
Nesidiochernes slateri Beier, 1975
Paraustrochernes victorianus Beier, 1966
Synsphyronus absitus Harvey, 1987
Synsphyronus amplissimus Harvey, 1987
Synsphyronus apimelus Harvey, 1987
Synsphyronus attiguus Harvey, 1987
Anagarypus australianus Muchmore, 1982
Synsphyronus bounites Harvey, 1987
Synsphyronus callus Hoff, 1947
Synsphyronus dewae Beier, 1969
Synsphyronus dorothyae Harvey, 1987
Synsphyronus ejuncidus Harvey, 1987
Synsphyronus elegans Beier, 1954
Synsphyronus ellenae Harvey, 2011
Synsphyronus francesae Harvey, 2011
Synsphyronus gigas Beier, 1971
Synsphyronus gracilis Harvey, 1987
Synsphyronus greensladeae Harvey, 1987
Synsphyronus hadronennus Harvey, 1987
Synsphyronus hansenii (With, 1908)
Anagarypus heatwolei Muchmore, 1982
Synsphyronus heptatrichus Harvey, 1987
Synsphyronus lathrius Harvey, 1987
Synsphyronus leo Harvey, 1987
Garypus longidigitus Hoff, 1947
Synsphyronus magnus Hoff, 1947
Synsphyronus meganennus Harvey, 1987
Synsphyronus mimetus Chamberlin, 1943
Synsphyronus mimulus Chamberlin, 1943
Synsphyronus niger Hoff, 1947
Synsphyronus nullarborensis Beier, 1969
Synsphyronus paradoxus Chamberlin, 1930
Synsphyronus silveirai Harvey, 1987
Solinus australiensis Chamberlin, 1930
Protogarypinus dissimilis Beier, 1975
Protogarypinus giganteus Beier, 1954
Oreolpium semotum Harvey and Šťáhlavský, 2010
Geogarypus connatus Harvey, 1986
Geogarypus exochus Harvey, 1986
Geogarypus longidigitatus (Rainbow, 1897)
Geogarypus pisinnus Harvey, 1986
Geogarypus rhantus Harvey, 1981
Geogarypus taylori Harvey, 1986
Indohya beieri Harvey, 1993
Indohya damocles Harvey and Volschenk, 2007
Indohya gollum Harvey and Volschenk, 2007
Indohya haroldi Harvey and Volschenk, 2007
Indohya humphreysi (Harvey, 1993)
Indohya napierensis Harvey and Volschenk, 2007
Indohya panops Harvey, 1993
Indohya pusilla Harvey, 1993
Indohya typhlops Harvey, 1993
Thenmus aigialites Harvey, 1990
Thenmus augustus Harvey, 2006
Olpium australicum Beier, 1969
Beierolpium bornemisszai (Beier, 1966)
Austrohorus exsul Beier, 1966
Euryolpium granulosum (Hoff, 1947)
Linnaeolpium linnaei Harvey and Leng, 2008
Xenolpium longiventer (L. Koch and Keyserling, 1885)
Euryolpium michaelseni (Tullgren, 1909)
Xenolpium pacificum (With, 1907)
Xenolpium pacificum norfolkense Beier, 1976
Beierolpium squalidum (Beier, 1966)
Parahya submersa (Bristowe, 1931)
Pseudochiridium clavigerum (Thorell, 1889)
Afrosternophorus anabates Harvey, 1985
Afrosternophorus hirsti (Chamberlin, 1932)
Afrosternophorus nanus Harvey, 1985
Afrosternophorus xalyx Harvey, 1985
Anysrius brochus Harvey, 1998
Anysrius chamberlini Harvey, 1998
Ideoblothrus descartes Harvey and Edward, 2007
Ideoblothrus linnaei Harvey and Leng, 2008
Ideoblothrus milikapiti Harvey and Edward, 2007
Ideoblothrus nesotymbus Harvey and Edward, 2007
Ideoblothrus papillon Harvey, 1991
Ideoblothrus pisolitus Harvey and Edward, 2007
Ideoblothrus westi Harvey and Edward, 2007
Ideoblothrus woodi Harvey, 1991
Metawithius (Metawithius) murrayi (Pocock, 1900)
Withius piger (Simon, 1878)
Oratemnus cavernicola Beier, 1976