Kate Rick (2020 – present) PhD Candidate, UWA

Research Associate

Terrestrial Zoology

BSc (Hons)

Kate Rick Kate.Rick@museum.wa.gov.au


  • Morphological variation in island mammals
  • Species delimitation and evolution of threatened mammals
  • Conservation genomics and bioinformatics


  • PhD topic: Understanding patterns of phenotypic and genetic divergence in island mammals to improve conservation outcomes.

Selected Publications

Rick, K., Byrne, M., Cameron, S., Cooper, S.J.B., Dunlop, J., Hill, B., Lohr, C., Mitchell, N.J., Moritz, C., Travouillon, K.J., von Takach, B. & Ottewell, K. 2023. Population genomic diversity and structure in the golden bandicoot: a history of isolation, extirpation, and conservation. Heredity. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41437-023-00653-2

Rick, K., Ottewell, K., Lohr, C., Thavornkanlapachai, R., Byrne, M. and Kennington, W.J. (2019). Population genomics of Bettongia lesueur: admixing increases genetic diversity with no evidence of outbreeding depression. Genes10(11), p.851. https://doi.org/10.3390/genes10110851