Universities: Curtin University of Technology, University of WA
Most science and engineering careers in subsea technology begin at high-school with the selection of relevant pre-requisite TEE subjects, including mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biological Sciences. Relevant undergraduate courses include Engineering and the sciences (including Chemistry, Geology, Marine Biology, Marine Science, Mathematics, Physics).
TAFE & Trades: WA Maritime Training Centre-Fremantle, Challenger Institute of Technology
The WA Maritime Training Centre is a leader in commercial Certificate of Competency training for both marine operations and marine engineering. Maritime Commercial Courses are industry, AMSA (Australian Maritime Safety Authority) and STCW95 (Standards of Training Competencies for Watchkeeping for Seafarers 1995) approved. Training opportunities can be packaged to suit the needs of individual companies and typically run for between one day and four weeks. Courses are subject to industry demand. Specialist ROV courses prepare candidates for employment in the Oil and Gas Sector.
Occupational Diving: The Underwater Centre, Fremantle (TUCF)
It is mandatory that all working divers be qualified, with the Commonwealth Government’s Australian Diver Accreditation Scheme (ADAS) developed to administer diver certification in accordance with AS2815 and to supervise the accreditation and operations of diver training establishments. To work as an onshore commercial construction diver the minimum qualifications required are ADAS Parts 1 and 2 (AS2815.1 & 2). To work as an offshore commercial construction diver the qualifications required are ADAS Parts 1, 2 and 3 (AS2815.1, 2 & 3). The Underwater Centre, Fremantle (TUCF) provides nationally accredited training under the Commonwealth Government’s Australian Diver Accreditation Scheme.
The Society for Underwater Technology
SUT is a multi-disciplinary learned society with branches in UK, Norway, USA, Brazil, Malaysia, Africa, Melbourne and here in Perth. The Society brings together organisations and individuals with a common interest in underwater technology, ocean science and offshore engineering. As part of SUT’s role of encouraging students to select relevant university courses and pursue careers in subsea technology, scholarships are offered each year to students in the final 2 years of their studies. In 2011, a total of 6 scholarships have been awarded of $5000 each, plus access to further industry training and professional development opportunities.